Puppy Stealer | Teen Ink

Puppy Stealer

May 26, 2015
By Alison Buscher BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
Alison Buscher BRONZE, Davisburg, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Can he sleep in my room tonight Mom?" Danielle whined. A few days ago, Danielle had finally convinced her parents to buy her the chocolate brown shiztzu she had been begging for for days on end. It won't be that much work, she told herself. He will be mine and he will love only me. "Not tonight Danielle. We are going to have to keep him sleeping in the cage next to my bed until he is potty trained."
"Ugh.." she responded with a groan. Another thing to ruin her night. Tomorrow would be Monday which means school which means no puppy for 7 unbearable hours.
     After hours of pain in the prison for innocent children, school had finally ended and Danielle was on the bus ride home. "Yeah, he's all mine! I think I want to name him Manny 'cause he looks like the mammoth from Ice Age." she chuckled while passing a picture of her precious puppy to her fifth grade friend. "He's so cute! Your so lucky!" squealed the tiny school girl. The bus can to a halt and the doors swooshed open. Danielle was first to stand up and her long legs began to run down the aisle. "I'll see you later!" she shrieked and as fast as she could, ran the entire way home.
     "I think Manny would be a good name." she told her mother while grasping the puppy as hard as she could, making it hard for the dog to breathe. As she released the puppy, it bolted away from her like it was being chased by a bear and made its way to her mother.
"Well I was talking to your dad and we thought that Mickey seemed like a good name."
What? Danielle thought to herself. If he's mine, why should they get to pick his name? She started to think a little harder. Oh, I see. I have to let her think that she has ownership over him, when really he's all mine. "Mickey's not a bad name," Danielle smirked and had once again, begun to chase down the skittish dog.
     Two months had passed by and Mickey was on the verge of being completely potty trained. "Finally!" Danielle pounced in to her bed. Her mother started to hand her the puppy, who's legs were wrapped around her mother's wrists in fear. "If anything is wrong, I'll be in my bedroom." She pried the dog off of her arms and set the dog on the bed. He had begun to pace and whine. "It'll be okay." she told the dog as she forced him close to herself.
     Four hours later, Mickey was still whining and still pacing back and forth across Danielle's bed. She had finally snapped. "I'm done with you!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She snatched up the devastated puppy into her arms and stomped her giant feet across the hall into her mother's bedroom and dropped the dog onto her lap. "I don't want anything to do with that dog anymore!" Before her mother could say a word, Danielle was gone and back in her bedroom.
     As she crawled back into her bed, she noticed what happens when she put Mickey onto her mother's lap. The whining stopped, the pacing stopped, and his tail started to wag. What the heck! Danielle yelled to herself. This isn't how it was supposed to work out! That darn dog was supposed to love me! Not her! She turned into her pillow and screamed as loud as possible, eventually yelling herself to sleep.

The author's comments:

This is a short story about how when I got a puupy abd it ended up liking my mom more than me.

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