Once The Moon Rises | Teen Ink

Once The Moon Rises

May 28, 2015
By evruhi BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
evruhi BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     Megan and Billy were walking down the edge of the woods talking about all of the rumors they had heard about people hearing strange noises that came from the forest once the moon rises. Although Megan and Billy had never heard them before, so many people in their ninth grade class came to school and said stuff like “Hey, did you hear those noises last night?”, or “Woah, those sounds coming from within the forest were extra loud last night!” After hearing all of those comments, and getting jealous of everyone who had heard the mysterious noises, Megan suggested to Billy that they go in at sunset, and trace down those noises. Billy turned to Megan and said “Are you crazy? We could get killed in there! What if a bear comes out of nowhere and eats us alive… what if… what if we lose our way in and can never find our way out?!” As Billy went on and on about all the dangers in the forest, Megan kept trying to talk over him saying things like, “Don’t worry, we’ll just see where the noises are coming from then get out before anything bad happens” and, “The bears don’t come out until the moon rises, we’ll be fine.” After five minutes of arguing, Billy finally gave in. They decided that since they both live sort of close to each other, they would meet at the corner of the forest an hour before the sun sets. They both went home. When they got home they tell their parents that they’re going to sleep over at a friends house . Their parents didn't question them since they are both trustworthy, and they went into their rooms to pack their stuff for the forest. Megan packed a water bottle, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and an extra sweater for when it gets cold at night. She also packed her camera because she never leaves the house without it, since she wants to become a professional photographer when she gets older.  Billy packed a water bottle, a ham and cheese sandwich, and an extra long sleeve shirt. They both left home and walked up a block to the corner they were supposed to meet on.
They stood at the corner staring into the forest. They decided to venture in while the sun is still out. They walked for an hour until the sun started going down. Billy turned to Megan and asked, “Hey, can you get out your flashlight?” Megan turned to Billy and said, “ I thought you brought one!” “No I asked you to bring one” Billy said. “No you didn’t!” Megan said. Since Billy was known for over exaggerating, he went on about all the dangers of not having a flashlight, and walking in the dark. He said things like “We could trip and fall, even break our bones…or…or we could run into a bear and not know where it is until it comes up behind us and eats us!” Megan turned to Billy and said, “Calm down, none of these things are going to happen. We can just keep walking until we find the noises. I think were really close to it, and its not even that dark right now.” Billy was lenient at first but then agreed, they kept walking. 
Once it started getting very dark, Megan and Billy started to worry that it would get too dark to walk. They even started getting to the point where they had to squint to walk without tripping. After another half an hour of walking, Megan and Billy saw a glimmer of light up ahead. It was tiny though. Then more started to appear, many more. Soon they were surrounded by the  glorious glow of fireflies, it was even bright enough to light up their way. Billy asks Megan, “What is that glow?”  Megan said, “I think it’s fireflies!  See, there is enough light now!”
They kept walking because they were right next to the noises. They finally reached an opening. It was just a big round open area filled with dirt surrounded by trees. Megan took out her camera and started taking pictures, because they finally found out what the mysterious noises were. It was a strange rare animal. It was short and fat with brown fur and red stripes leading all the way from its nose to its tail. Megan and Billy had never seen anything like it before. “Do you see that thing? It’s awesome!” Billy said. Megan turned to Billy and said “Yeah, I gotta get a few pictures because we finally found out what the mysterious noises are!” Megan and Billy sat around for an hour more just staring at the beauty of all the animals, until one by one they started to leave. Scattering into different areas of the forest. Megan said to Billy, “I think it is time to go home now. What do you think?” Billy said, “Yeah, it’s about time we head home. It was a long walk back home, longer than it seemed to be on the way over. Billy and Megan were mostly silent on the way home, awed by the beautiful creatures they had just seen. They stopped at the corner outside the forest. They both said “See you tomorrow, goodnight.” and started walking toward their houses. They both got home, changed into their pajamas and fell fast asleep.
The next day Billy and Megan went to school and told the whole story to everybody in their class, adding in a few extra details. When most of their class didn't believe them, Megan took out her camera and showed them the pictures. Some people still weren't believing them, but most people did. There was no more town mystery, everybody knew what the mysterious noise was, and no one came to school to talk about it anymore. It was all figured out, and Megan and Billy didn't need to feel jealous of the people who had heard it before because they were the ones who figured it out.
The rest of the year went well for Megan and Billy. Everybody knew what the noises coming from the woods were and there was no reason to obsess over the sounds. It all worked out fine in the end.
The End.

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