The Hanging Men | Teen Ink

The Hanging Men

October 28, 2015
By BlankInkWhitepen BRONZE, Davie, Florida
BlankInkWhitepen BRONZE, Davie, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Hanging Men Revised

Prisoner number 001
These cold bars show no promise of the future. No way to ease my boredom no way to see the outside world any longer. All that happens here is rumors of a prison break or a riot happening soon. I am stuck in a prison that is rusting away and reeks of dirty laundry. My only comfort in life now is sleeping. Even that is hindered by the inadequate beds in this prison. Perhaps I could compile a story though I doubt a man rotting in a cell will have much to do with plot development or dynamics.
Just a static story of a static character. No cliche stories of other prisoners becoming friends and turning innocent and making friends after being released. No grand escape plans or complex plot points just a simple man being kept in a prison. Then again the insanity that is sure to come from my isolation could be an interesting topic.
Everyone keeps blathering on about how foolish the police are that they were wrongly accused and had simply  nothing to do with the crime they were accused of . I am innocent, howeve,  it wasn't the police who were foolish. It was I who was at fault. Torn between the murderous tendencies of my brother and a life of freedom. I held the same desires within however never followed them. Due to that it was quite easy for the psychologist to diagnose me as such.
Could I escape from this wretched prison? Yes. Will I ever? No. Either way I will be sentenced back into damnation. Perhaps when I no longer have any material to ponder I will attempt to escape in hopes an officer will shoot me and end this miserable life of mine. My psychological state of mind will only further decline. Until eventually it will just a simple story of a man who's no longer sane enough to be called a man. Until that time comes I will try to entertain myself by watching and recording my slowly slipping grasp on reality

The names Tony but around here only thing anyone calls me is 002. Yeah I did some things but hell who hasn't in this damn joint. At least I got me some morals. Ain't like them other cold blooded murders and rapists. This one guy walks up in here showing off acting real tough like. Keeps talking on about how he killed a man for fun and would have gotten away with it too if weren't for his damn maid. See it's people like that who deserve to be in this joint. I ain't complaining much. I did some things that got me in here and I plan to serve my time like a decent man would. I gots me morals unlike them other guys out there. I made my mistakes. I was deep in debt so I got involved in drugs and robbed a couple gas stations before trying to take a big hit at the bank. The s*** really hit the fan when my best buddy got shot and our ride took off. So my little girl and wife are stuck now with all my debts and s*** to pay, but when I get out of here I'm gonna set myself straight and make things right. I ain't no world class boxing champion like 0027 and I ain't as smart 001,but i'll be damned if I can't make an honest living. Number 001 now he's got the brains. A real criminal mastermind except, well I don't believe he did what everyone says he did .Hopefully number 001 gets out with me as well. That's what we call him. He ain't ever given us his name. People around here always talk about him behind his back but I know he ain't like they say he is. He may have called me illiterate  whatever that means but I know inside he's a decent guy. They say something about his iq being off the charts. Say he's a world class writer but I ain't ever read none of his books. Hopefully he'll lend me a couple when they let me out of this joint., so I can get smart enough to start my life over again. I ain't got much knowledge on book smarts considering I only done 2 years of college before dropping out but I hope I can get back on the right path. I hope 001 and I can be friends when he gets out of the joint too.

Boss Dan and I were planning to go for a big score after he arrived at the headquarters. It was gonna be a real show, the biggest heist you'd ever seen. He was gonna kill a couple people and I was gonna be able to get something real fun. It was gonna be the coolest chic car you've ever seen. A 928 Cadillac V-8. I was gonna be able to remodel everything to my design. Hell I'd built and redesigned lots of cars before but never something as magnificent as this! It was gonna be bullet proof with a new paint job and Boss was gonna let me have that thing and drive it everywhere and redesign it anyway I wanted! I couldn't wait to remodel it and drive that beautiful car around just like Al Capone! Ah just thinking about it starts winding me up and getting me so excited I could explode! How sad it all ended up being a lie. Why boss. Why the hell were you defeated. Not only were you taken by the cops....but someone threw you off overboard!! You were the greatest boss ever! It's not fair you shouldn't have been taken in we should have made it big time! What the hell am I supposed to do without you Boss Daaaaaaan!!!!!! Now.......I'm stuck in this joint with a bunch of other low life's who couldn't keep their hand off money either. I swear though one day I'm breaking out of this joint to see you again Boss Dan!!!! I swear on my name John Stolz I'll find you!

My names Tim. There's nothing special about me I'm just a pathetic weakling. I can't handle stressful situations or large crowds of people. My anxiety is too intense for me to do anything. I just want to be good. I have to be a good boy or mom will beat me. I didn't mean to do it. I'm not bad.. I'm not evil.  I don't want to hurt anymore  I don't like pain. I don't want anymore pain or suffering. I don't want to be scared anymore! That's why I did it. I wanted to escape my pain! I wanted to get rid of the pain. I wanted to stop being afraid. I just wanted peace nothing else. For everyone at school to stop beating me. I just wanted to be loved. I tried doing what they told me to. They told me it would free me! They told me I would be fine but then I got  hooked and I couldn't stop. I did horrible things and just to get my fix! I'm not evil! I don't want to be here. I'm afraid of the dark. I'm afraid of being alone. I didn't mean to do it! I don't want to be here. I want to be free. Please somebody save me from this hell!

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Mariuxi said...
on Oct. 30 2015 at 4:36 pm
Great work!