Slow Motion | Teen Ink

Slow Motion

November 9, 2015
By LynnZ-Lee BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
LynnZ-Lee BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have always wanted to go down the scariest ride at roaring springs. It has been my goal to go down the Cliff Hanger, and prove to my brother that i'm not afraid. The day we got there I was amazed at all the bright colored slides, and I couldn't wait to slide down all of them.

I started with the other rides first to get use to the freezing cold water

I couldn't decide which ride was my favorite, because they were all really fun
I was feeling OK, I was determined, and wasn't afraid. I started walking up the steps trying not to lose my energy. As I got closer and closer to the top the more I looked down, but that didn't bother me. I was 1 floor away from the top when i started to get butterflies. I was trying to stay calm and not change my mind about this challenge I have wanted to do for so long. I finally got to the top of the stairs without a doubt ready to go, without any sign of retreat.
I waited in line as bold as could be. No one was in line because the ride was so scary to others. This made me feel proud that I was more daring and bold than most people, and not to mention "my older brother". I was super excited to go I kept pacing. When all of a sudden the lady said it was my turn. I walked slowly, and the butterflies had come back I wasn't sure what to do anymore. I told myself " I need to hurry and get in the container so I can't turn back." So that's exactly what I did. As soon as I stepped in the lifeguard told me to put my hands on the back of my neck, and to cross my legs. This made me feel trapped like I was being locked up, but I still had plenty of courage left inside of me.
After as I finished doing what I was told she closed the container. I could hear my heartbeat pounding, but I could also hear the recording of a fake heart beat also. I couldn't breath I feel as if I have stopped my breathing. The butterflies that are in my stomach feel as if they are about to explode. I hear a voice that has so much joy say, "3....2.....1........GGGGOOOO!!!! All of a sudden the floor slides out from under me, even though I can't feel it I know it's gone. Water is shooting out from above me, making a slippery surface. The water is could on my back. The shoot is still steep, and I can't breath with all the water flinging at my face. I feel my stomach plummet and plunge. I am only half way down. I am skidding, my feet and arms come down, and uncross. I am slowing down the slope is getting lower. I soon come to a stop . Thinking the water will stop splashing in my face, I opened my eyes to find out there is still a big wave of water that splashes me in the face.
As soon as I stepped off the platform I was jumping with joy, and laughing in my older brothers face because he was afraid to try. I was proud of myself that I wasn't afraid and achieved my goal.

The author's comments:

This ws one of my favorite times at roaring springs with my family.

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