Reuniting | Teen Ink


November 13, 2015
By ChauLuu BRONZE, Jonesboro, Georgia
ChauLuu BRONZE, Jonesboro, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In a small and isolated village situated near a large mountain, a mother and her daughter are consoling each other. A thunderstorm has imprisoned the villagers by making it more difficult for the people and  news to travel.
A war has broken out about a year ago. Mens from the villages were recruited to join the army. Like many others, a family of four was torn apart by the war. The people can now see the end of the war. As the day goes by, groups of soldiers can be seen returning home. Families are anxious and worry, hoping to reunite with their loved ones again.
Among the many families is a mother and her daughter. It has been awhile since the war has ended, however, their love ones are—nowhere to be seen. Her daughter has been ill for quite a long time. Overwhelmed with griefs and anxiousness, she cries and pray to the gods for the safety of their love ones’. The little ray of hope was struggling and fighting to stay alive.
It was midnight. The lightning struck the earth. Loud shrieks of birds surround the village.
“Mother, do you think that brother and father will come home?”, said the daughter, as she cries. Drops of tears rolled down her blushed cheeks.
“Soon, very soon.”, her mother assures her. Her voice shaking as she spoke the last word.
The mother begins to shed tears as a moment of doubt crosses her mind. She quickly hugs her daughter before the tears can be seen.
“Your father and brother will be back. I know they will.”, the mother said, trying to keep her voice from shaking.
As the night goes on, the two begin to calm down. The mother starts to sing a lullaby to her daughter, hoping that she would be able to sleep with peace for the night.
Morning greets the village with the bright sun and the clear sky. The town was incredibly quiet. The mother and her daughter was going around their life as they would do everyday. Suddenly, two shadows emerge from the silence.
The two burst into tears as they ran to the shadows. The reunited family hug each other with much love. Their love ones are—now here.
As the peace is being restored to the village, the family returns back to their normal lives

The author's comments:

This story stems from an assignment I had in school. I was given the phrase, "Song for Sleeping", and I wrote the story based on that.

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