Christmas Joy | Teen Ink

Christmas Joy

December 15, 2015
By reniciah BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
reniciah BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As snow fell from the rooftop onto the ground,looking out the window was amy. Amy never liked christmas very much , because as a little girl she never got many gifts.She always enjoyed halloween more than christmas because she loved seeing the kids go trick-or-treating , and she loved candy. on christmas eve all of her cousins came over.”Hey Amy.” Said Aunty May. Later on that day everyone ran outside but as they were running Amy’s cousin Tiffany fell and slide all the way down the driveway. “OWW!!’ yelled Tiffany as she laughed joyfully. “Let’s throw snowballs!” said Martin. “Hey that’s a great idea.” Uncle Kevin said. “ We better hurry up and get away Amy”. Tiffany said. The two cousins were hiding on the side of aunty’s May car. Tiffany was having fun with the fog on the window, until her lips got stuck. “OWWW MOMMY MY LIPS ARE STUCK!! “yelled Tiffany. Nothing would work to get her lips off the window. “Hey guys our only choice is to snatch her lips off the window” Said Uncle Kevin. “NO your not snatching my lips off!” Tiffany said mumbling. “1..2..3!!” As Uncle Kevin counted down. “OWWWWWWW!!!” Yelled Tiffany.
     “Ok everyone it's time for dinner!” Said mom.
as everyone set down and ate Amy was concerned how Christmas was going to be this year. As everyone laid asleep except for mom, Aunty May, and Uncle Kevin, Amy , Martin ,and Tiffany heard the rattling of christmas paper. When the grown ups went to sleep the three cousins went looking for their presents. “And just  what do yall think you're doing?” “Mommy i promise it wasn't me it was all martin's idea.” said Tiffany. Aunt May laughed. “Ok let me tell you guys a story about santa. He says you should never peek at your presents or you will be on the naughty list.” “ I don't believe in santa.” said Amy. “ But santa believes in you, he told me so. “ now go back to bed.” Aunty May said. The next morning they all opened their presents. Amy finally believed in santa, and she had the best christmas ever.

The author's comments:

I think people should enjoy Christmas even if you dont get gifts. Christmas is not all about gifts, it's about family.

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