The relationship that didn't last | Teen Ink

The relationship that didn't last

January 6, 2016
By 6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6donovan GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Social Network that could help hundreds of millions of people connect
around common interests rather than people.
Facebook nailed the business of connecting people online.
Google collects valuable identity and internet-based data,
which is something I’m guessing you never knew.
Damaged name now and such a joke!
You plus me just doesn’t work out.
We will move away to totally different places...
We’ll meet new people, and find new people who share our interests.
The old tags on your photos, versions of us which began back in 2011.  
Overtime, changes amount to simple features.
Standalone, some are successful.
A key difference between the new and old it has been dramatically redefined.
I still don’t see it ever becoming anything huge.
The messages and photos, gone.
Focusing on just two people, we must move on. 

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