Liable | Teen Ink


March 1, 2016
By Grace801 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
Grace801 BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“C’mon Dad! I'm going to be late for school!”
“I can't help it Elyce! Your mother is taking eternity in the bathroom!”
“Then tell her to hurry up! I can't afford to miss school!” said Elyce firmly.
“Don’t forget that you have a dentist appointment today at 1:15. Your mother is going to pick you up from school.”
Why are mom and dad always late? I frantically ran to the idling car. I couldn't bear the thought of being late to school. My parents raised me to always put school first, but they were making that hard for me to achieve. While my mom, Rachel, and I were driving to school, there were several car accidents. A snowstorm was coming. Many schools and businesses were closed, but not my school. When Rachel dropped me off, I snatched my backpack and bolted out of the car. As soon as I got into school, I scrambled through the hallways and into my classroom just in time for school to begin. Later on, Rachel was on her way to pick me up from school. Before I knew it, I had been waiting for my mom for 45 agonizing minutes. I couldn’t wait outside anymore. My face was so cold it felt like it was going to fall off.
“Hey honey! How was school?”
“Great until you were late,” I said painfully. “I almost was going to walk home because I thought you forgot about picking me up. It's too cold and snowy outside! I could get sick!”
“Sorry! There was a bad car accident on Sears Street by your school! This snowstorm has really taken over. By the way, your dentist appointment is cancelled.”
“I'm getting sick of your excuses Mom! I was so embarrassed waiting for you! Some of the teachers were worried about me. I thought something happened to you. I can’t imagine life without you. Next time, please be more cautious and responsible.”
“I told you that I was going to be late because of the snowstorm!”
“But if you knew that you were going to be late, then why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve taken the bus home!”
“It’s too dangerous to text and drive! You never know when a car could turn right in front of you. Then boom. You’re gone. Next time this happens, you’re just going to have to wait for me,” said Rachel concernedly.
“I’m sorry for getting mad at you… I understand now.”

*            *            *

    I recently applied for an application to a local toy store! My mom is friends with a woman named Kim, who owns the store. Kim accepted my application and today is my first day of work! But I’m extremely nervous. I can’t stop pacing around my room and biting my nasty neon nails. Today is the one day I cannot be late. I do not want to show my boss that I am one of those irresponsible teenagers. I want to leave a good impression on my boss so I can keep this job for years to come. This is going to be the one and only way I can pay for college. I have good grades, great friends… I don’t want my parents’ laziness to get in the way of my future. Right now my number one priority is school.
    “C’mon mom!” I wailed. “I’m going to be late for my first day of work! I don’t want to disappoint my boss!”
    “Hold on! I’ll be down in a minute!”
    Rachel finally came down and went on her way to take me to work.
    “Mom, why were you running late?” I said seriously.
    “Because I overslept… You could’ve woke me up.”
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to disturb your sleep. I know your sleep is important since you work a tremendous amount of hours. Next time, please make that you are on time so I don’t get in trouble by my boss.”
    “I’ll try my best,” said Rachel firmly.
    “I have an idea!” I exclaimed excitedly. “Why don’t we make a compromise?”
    “What will it be?”
    “I will create a schedule of when I need to work. So you and Dad will know what time I need to be to work.”
    “That sounds good to me! You just have to ask your father first.”
    “Just so you know… This schedule won’t last very long, since my 16th birthday is coming up. I believe that i have enough money saved up to buy a car.” I want a glistening black 2005 Ford Escape. I’m purchasing it from my Mom’s friend, Jenny,  that has taken very good care of it. There isn't a scratch or speck of rust on it. Jenny is letting me buy it for $4,995… Which is a great deal for an SUV. I figured that buying an SUV with four-wheel drive would be ideal since we live on the snowy side of town. I can’t afford to get stuck in a storm inside a scrawny car.
    “I’m happy that you have a plan,” said Rachel joyfully.
    For my birthday present, my parents are going to pay for my drivers’ education. I need to take drivers’ education because it gives me a discount on my insurance and I will have to work till nine at night which is the cut off time for anyone under 18 to drive. Take note that drivers education is extremely expensive but I’m very thankful that they are paying for it since I’m buying myself a car. The whole reason why I want to buy myself a car is because I want to show my parents that I am responsible and I want them to look at me as an adult.

            *            *            *

Today is my birthday and I passed my permit test! My mom and dad said that they have a surprise for me when we go to pick up my car! As we arrive to Jenny’s house, there is a ginormous red bow on top of my car.
“Uh… mom? Why is there a bow on my car?” I asked questionably.
“Your father and I thought that it would be better off that we bought the car since you have been showing us how mature and responsible you are. Ever since you got the job, we have been making you late, we figured that buying you the car would make up for that. Also because your grades are awesome. We couldn’t ask for a better daughter!”
“Oh my god! Thank you mom! I can’t explain how thankful I am for this! I’m speechless!” Then I sprinted to my glamorous black car without looking back. I thought to myself I finally have freedom!
“Happy birthday Elyce!”
I will always remember that mistakes that happen in the past always turn into understanding in the future.

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