Unknown | Teen Ink


April 7, 2016
By Anonymous

I sat down at my desk going through all the papers, since the year was almost up I already got a bunch of new applications for the dance studio. It was extremely boring and difficult to concentrate on it. Which was the very reason why I was battling people on Clash Royale, it's a very addicting game. That game is going to be the very reason why I become a shud in but with wifi.
Suddenly I heard someone clear their throat, i had been in o engrossed in the game to realize that someone had walked in.

"Sorry we're closed." I said without looking up from my phone

"Then why was the door open?" The guy said

"Because I forgot to lock it." I said looking up realizing that it had been my brother who had disappeared for months without even the slightest hint of a goodbye.

"Oh my God! —————— I can't believe you're actually here." I said walking from behind the desk to give him a big hug. After our embrace I gave him the hardest slap that I have ever giving someone.

"What the hell Len." He yelled

"You think you can fall off the face of the earth for months then all of a sudden appear and expect to be greeted with rainbows and butterflies." I snapped

"I knew be mad but I didn't think that you would hit me that hard." He whined

"Stop being a b****."

"So...tell me exactly how mad mom is." He asked

"She's pissed."

"But how pissed?"

"I'm serious ————— she's really mad and I don't know how your going to get out of this one." I explained

"I'll think of a way."

"Whatever, what do you want?" I asked

"What do you mean?" He questioned

"Don't forget I know you well, maybe better than I know myself and I know you want something." I said

"Well since you bought it up, I have this friend in desperate need of a dancer and—"


"Come on."


"Please." He begged

"I said no."

"You don't even know why I want you to this, you don't even know what I want you to do."

"What is it and why."

"It's this dance competition and you're the only dancer I really know. Please Len you have to do this for me." He begged

"Okay I'll think about it." I said giving in

"Thank you so much." His whole face lit up and smile replaced the pout he had previously.

"I said that I wound think about it it wasn't a yes." I clarified

"With you it's practically a yes." He admitted "Well I guess I'll catch up with you later then."

"Yeah whatever." I said

I sat upside down on the couch while shoving nachos in my mouth and watching a horror film. One of the classics.

"Len what the hell are you doing

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