Rainbow Injuries | Teen Ink

Rainbow Injuries

April 21, 2016
By Anonymous

The day was cold and times were hard. The gay plague ran around like a beast but the priest knew that entering the gay bar would get him kicked out of the church. He knew it was correct and that in any way or form he wouldn't be able to explain to his superiors what he was doing. Million of thoughts ran through his brain and the pulse of his heart was to fast to be calculated. He pulled his collar off and put it into his pocket.

The music banged loud in his ears and the room smelled like girl perfume and beer. He went toward the counter to get some water as he avoided men that went for him. Many men looked at him and got many stares because he in the no means looked like he was dressed for the occasion or typical gay or even looking for action. He did get some occasional whistles and cat calls. He felt that he should of yelled at them and reprend them but he remember that he wanted to combat the sick idea that God would wipe sinners from the face of the earth with a disease. A God of love that loves sinners wouldn't kill a large number of men and women just like that without mercy. To him those ideas were outrageous and he did not allow himself to accept society's idea.

“Can I have some water?”, the priest asked the bartender.
“Some holy salted water or just water?”, asked the bartender as he joked about the fact that he asked for water at a gay bar. The priest did not understand what he meant and stared at him blankly for a few seconds. Then the bartender simply served him a cup of water.

“Thank you!”

“What's your name?”


“William. What brings you here?”

“I need a quiet place to think”, lied the priest,”Has the so called gay cancer hit hard around this area of town?”, asked the priest in a serious tone.

“I've had about five friends die. They were strong and healthy and all of a sudden they just started to get weaker and weaker. Why?”

“I've seen about twenty people die in front of me”,the priest was referring to the times he was called to bless the people dying of the gay cancer,”Everyone of them died in agony without mercy. There is truly no God”

The bartender pulled out a thick book and put it on the table. It had a ribbon that had every color of the rainbow.

“These are the people that have died at the hospital that use to be regular customers”,said the bartender as he opened the book. The priest looked through the book and only found about the first hundred and seventy pages filled with picture of men and woman that had a name under them and a name of their partner next to them.

“These are the people that survived”

The priest had no words in his mouth left and sat there silently. Looked at the book for a few minutes,drank his water, and got up. Went towards the trash and threw his collar into it.

The author's comments:

My background inspired me to about a topic this strong.

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