He Tried | Teen Ink

He Tried

May 4, 2016
By hashtagmarshmallow SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
hashtagmarshmallow SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Mistakes are pinful when they happen, but years later a collection of mistakes is what is called experience"

My brother was the greatest sibling I could have ever had. He was so amazing and very funny with of his weird habits that I loved. He was the sweetest guy ever, never missing a chance to hold a door open for someone. I loved him so much.


One day he was walking down the street, coming home, when he saw a girl getting dragged into a man’s car. She was kicking and trying her best to scream but the man’s firm grasp

on her mouth stopped that. My brother ran to try to save the girl and prevent this from happening. “Always do the right thing,” he would always say that to me but how can I whentrying to help cost him his life? He didn’t see the man roll down the window. He didn’t see him pull the trigger. But what my brother did see was a hole right through his chest. He didn’t die in an instant, he died a slow, painful death.


I mourned his death for years and have never gotten over it and probably never will. Thinking back, he was always the best to do everything with. Halloween's aren't the same any more, I can't enjoy them. On Halloween he only ever ate Twix. He went to every houseand if there was a bucket of candy he would pick out all of the Twix's. He loved how all of the layers meant something to him. The chocolate part on the outside dissolves over time like us. We melt too. We are always firm and sometimes hold up a wall, but we have to eventually dissolve and let someone in. Their outer shell melts and you can see what’s on the inside. The caramel is the gooey side of you. The soft side of you. The wafer is for those times that hurt the most. When you have to do something but know you can't. When you try to stay strong but you know the pain will get worse when it finally comes out. When you realize you have to break down thatMbarrier and let yourself go. When you have to let out every emotion, every tear, and every word. But, when you know you have to be strong and you can’t, that’s the hardest part.


My brother died 6 years ago, died trying to save a girl from getting kidnapped. She survived but he didn’t.

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