Something You Will Never Hear | Teen Ink

Something You Will Never Hear

May 25, 2016
By Alexsis22 BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
Alexsis22 BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Jackson Mason Blue. I am sorry. I shouldn’t have done it. I miss you so much I wish I could tell you. I’m sorry. That’s something you will never hear.
Alex Moon Kingstone. The girls who sat in the corner and cried. Then everything changed when she met Jackson. They became best friends. This was in middle school now they are seniors in high school.
Jackson was in love with Alex. Alex was and had been in a serious relationship with Blake Knight. Blake was the high school football star. Blake was “in love” with Alex. Everyone knew that Blake was a cheater and player but Alex thought she had changed his player ways.
One day Jackson was really sick at school. Jackson checked himself out of school and started walking home. He saw Blake with another girl. This girl was definitely not Alex. They were being too friendly with each other. Aka they were making out.
Jackson ran away from the scene and texted Alex to meet him after school. Alex got the message and headed to Jacksons house. Once she got there Jackson was waiting nervously. He blurted out as fast as he could, “Alex, Blake is cheating on you.” Alex ran away in disbelief. She texted Jackson saying it was all a lie.
Alex ran to Blake’s house to get so mental support from her best friend lying to her. Once she arrived Blake was making out with Cindy Rings the girl Alex hated since second grade. She then ran back to Jackson’s house to apologize and having someone to make her feel better. When she got there she knocked serval times but no answer.
She pushed the door opened and yelled his name. There was no response. She ran into his bedroom and saw her best friend laying in a pool of his own blood. He had left no note expect for the one in blood on his right arm. Which said “ I love you Alex but that’s something you will never hear.” Alex screamed out “ I LOVE YOU TO JACKSON” as she fell to the ground.
Alex called the police and reported two suicides. She took a whole bottle of pills from her bag and took them. The light flashed over her eyes but not the light she had expected to see. She was saved that day but see had lost part of herself she would never get back.
Six years later Alex is non suicidal. She is married and has a two year old son. Her two year old son was named Jackson Mason Blue Reynolds. She will live on for Jackson and love him forever.

The author's comments:

Teen sucide is the second leading cause of death among teens. I myself have had many friends and family members commit sucide. Sucide is a big deal. 

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