Ice Cream Menu | Teen Ink

Ice Cream Menu

February 25, 2009
By Shelby Rissler BRONZE, Charlestown, Indiana
Shelby Rissler BRONZE, Charlestown, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Double Chocolate: This treat consists of chocolate flavored chips and chocolate fudge pieces mixed in.

Cookie Dough: Cookie dough ice cream consists of vanilla flavored with chunks of cookie dough mixed in.

Pumpkin Ice Cream: This has a spicy pumpkin flavor that is great in the autumn or any time!

Rainbow Sherbet: It has a ton of different types of flavors including, strawberry, orange, and green apple.

Cookies n' Cream: What do you get when you mix Oreo cookies and vanilla ice cream? An amazing tasting treat!

Strawberry Cheesecake: It has strawberry ice cream with pieces of cheesecake mixed in.

Superman: It's a unique flavor that combines all of the colors of the rainbow. It tastes strange at first but there is something about it that will keep you coming back for more.

Small: $2.50
Medium: $3.50
Large: $4.50


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