Hateful Past | Teen Ink

Hateful Past

December 27, 2016
By Anonymous

A recent occurrence took place back in my hometown which brought me back to this very certain place. Now for most people they wouldn’t mind going back to their hometown but in this case it wasn’t for me. Everyone has this twisted dark past that happened at one point in their lives and for me it was back in my hometown which didn’t add any thrill for me as I was heading back to my hometown. My old football coach was in his dying bed waiting for the clock to strike zero ending his very successful life as a football coach and a friend. Now for me I was heading back to visit him since I only visited him once after I left highschool to just see his face one last time. I don’t blame him for anything that has occurred to me post high school life. He gave me opportunities in life to be successful but it happened to hurt me in many ways. Throughout high school people would relate me to a very iconic football player Tom Brady. I always thought this was funny but later in life I soon realized why they thought of that.  My past has greatly affected my life in many ways such as my job, physical ability and, lifestyle.
Since college my pursuit of jobs changed. I was once I very promising football player with the ability to go on to the next level and play professional football, a little kids dream. After I was sidelined by a career ending injury I now had to pursue a different job career to provide for myself in the future. Brady happened to be injured like I was but less severe. He managed to work hard and got back up on his feet and continue playing in the NFL. I managed to find a job that I really like that didn’t involve sports. I became a research marketer for a big corporate company that's involved in the fashion industry. After that incident I had to really stretch my mind for what I wanted to do for a profession. It took a lot of hard work and perseverance in order for me to find a good stable opportunity for me that would provide me good wealth.  After all that work I found the right fit for me and it happened to be in the fashion industry.
Next, my physical ability changed a lot since that last day of physical therapy after my reconstructive surgery of my knee. I can no longer do the things I onced loved like any sports or even running. My knee was demolished on a late hit as I was going out of bounds by the opposing defender. My whole life revolved around sports now I struggle with keeping myself in shape as a young adult. Some people are able to come back from an injury they suffer on the field like Brady did, but after what happened to my knee I knew there wouldn’t be a chance for me to come back to the sport I love. I can still manage to do some physical activity that doesn’t put a lot of pressure on my knee but it’s very limited on what I could do. It was really hard to accept the fact that anything that involved physical activity was over for me but I had to manage and continue on with my life.
Lastly, my lifestyle took a major U-turn after I graduated from college. I no longer care about any sports that make up a great community of gatherings and social experiences. Somes lifestyles stuck with me but there was a lot that I could no longer keep after what I’ve been through. Readjusting took a long time but after a while I managed to adopt new ones that define the person who I am today.
As I’m reaching my hometown I don’t know what to expect what's going to happen. After all I haven’t been back since I left college and started my journey as an adult in the real word. I don’t know if my past will be brought up from all my high school football achievements or just a friendly experience. My job has really defined who I am today and it’s sure gonna tell people how much I changed since my old life. As much as everyone would like to talk about sports and what I did as an athlete I’m gonna try and avoid any situations that involve me or football. Once I arrive people will notice that I’ve change especially my lifestyle. As I draw closer to my hometown everything is starting to come back to me, my football life, the small town stores, and of course the football field that I made so many great memories as I was growing up. I wonder what’s gonna happen in the time I’m at my hometown?

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