Don't Give Up | Teen Ink

Don't Give Up

November 17, 2017
By b-ballgirl21 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
b-ballgirl21 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting in third period staring at the clock, couldn’t get anymore boring than this. “I’m tired of school” Jordan whined,

 ”I don’t even know why teachers think we like this. I’m only here because that’s where everyone else is all day.”

These teachers are to irritating giving us all this homework. Juawan exclaimed as he was rolling his eyes. “Well what do you expect,it’s our last year of highschool,what you thought they were gonna go easy on us?

 Nah I know they’re not gonna go easy on us but dang like we’re still kids you know.

 Yeah I get what you mean, Speaking of school what’s your plan after graduating,like you tryna go to college or what?

Probably not I don’t see the point of that either, it’s just more work to do.

 Well that’s basically your only option because if you tell your mom you don’t wanna go to college that’s just a recipe to get kicked out the house.

 I don’t care about her kicking me out, I’ll be fine cause I’m gonna find a job and get my own place.

Well that’s gonna take a lot of work so you better start applying now.

 Yeah you’re right.”When Jordan and Juawan got out of class they both walked to lunch. Lunch is always fun because the table that Juawan and Jordan sit at cracks so many jokes. After lunch fifth and sixth hour flew by in no time. Juawan is kind of a cocky guy since he knew he always looked good. Everyday he wore Jordans’. And he had so many that you rarely saw him wear them twice, his pants varied in joggers and jeans. Most of the time he would wear light color blue jeaned that were ripped and his joggers would typically be black and the brands of them were Adidas and Nike. Juawan was also very tall,6’3 in fact. He wore watches occasionally but not very often but when he did wear them they matched perfectly with his outfit. His shirts consist of hoodies from sports teams and he predominantly wore jackets and shirts that are also from Nike. His haircut is a fade on the sides, the tips dyed honey blonde, and was curly at the top. Jordan was half a foot shorter than Juawan. Jordan wore only joggers, hoodies, and only nike gym shoes. His hair was jet black. Jordan also had a fade on the sides but the top was very short.

     School had finally let out and juawan was finally on his way home walking in the big city of New York all by himself.” Juawan! ” Juawan’s mom yelled at him as soon as he walked through the front door,”I got a call from the school today saying you already have ten tardies and have three c’s and it’s only the second week of the  quarter.” his mother sounded furious when she was scolding him.

 “Yeah mama I know, I’m gone bring my grade up.

You better, I don’t have time for you to be slacking because once you graduate I want you out of this house and at college.

okay mom.” Juawan huffed as he was dragging his sentence out.

 “You better fix your attitude before I fix it for you.

Yes ma’am.”Juawan made sure to not drag his sentence out again so his mom didn’t get even more heated. Juawan knew he didn’t want to go to college,well at least right now he knew he didn’t. Juawan’s dad had passed away when he was thirteen and both him and his mother were still stuck on the fact that he was still gone, five years later. A couple months rolled by and during those months Juawan had still been doing horrible in school and payed no attention to his grades while his mother was still disappointed in him and it was the end of december almost into the new year. Juawan’s grades had been going up but they’ve still been a little shaky because he’s been getting off task but overall he was doing pretty good.

     ”Aye Juawan. ” Jordan kept whispering to him across the class. “Aye Juawan... bro I know you hear me.” Jordan decided to get a gum wrapper from what he hadn’t thrown away from earlier, crumble it up and throw it at Juawan. Juawan looked everywhere in the classroom with confusion wondering where the gum wrapper came from.

 “Dang what do you want jordan.”I was tryna see if you wanna hang with me after school.”  Nah I’m-.”Juawan was interrupted by Mrs.Jenkins because she had caught them talking.

 “Ohhhh I see a little play date after school that’s nice.well why don’t we all have a little fun after school in detention with all three of us? That sounds like so much fun doesn’t it?

But Mrs.Jenkins Jordan was-.” Juawan was cut off once again.

 ”I don’t care who said what to who you both were talking which means you both get a detention now pay attention to the board.” The bell rung to be released from class so the kids could go to their next hours.
 ” My bad sorry Juawan I’m sorry but I gotta get to sixth hour before I’m late to class so I’ll see you in detention.”Juawan walked away mad but showed zero emotion on his face.

      ”Good afternoon gentlemen,how are you?

 ” Good.” Both Jordan and Juawan mumbled under their breath.

 ”Well good. Get ready to sit here and do nothing but homework for a whole hour. And don’t try to sneak your little earbuds under your shirt and listen to your music,I know that’s how the kids these days like to do it so hand both the earbuds and phones and turn the phones off all the way before you give them to me.” Both the boys stood up and walked over to their math teachers desk and placed their phones and earbuds on it. Detention also flew by in no time.

 ” Jordan you can leave Juawan I need to talk to you for a minute and don’t forget your phone and earbuds.
 ” Bye Mrs.Jenkins have a good day.

 ”You too Jordan. So Juawan what’s wrong with you and your grades.

What do you mean i have three B’s and only three C’s. And that’s the problem right there I don’t know why you sound so confident about those grades when you’re pretty much half way through the school year.

 Really? I thought that actually sounded pretty good to be honest.

Math is a very important class in college you’ll need math for many things and you’ll also need math lots after that when you’ve completed college.

 But I don’t want to go to college. Everyone is always saying I need to do this and I need to do that but I want to do my own thing.

 I understand where you’re coming from but that doesn’t mean slack off of school,you should want to do good in high school even if you do choose not to go onto college. Your grades have been decent until the start of junior year. Your a smart kid so don’t think your not, and I’m not trying to pressure you like you already said because your like it your life but keep your options open because after high school your grades can lead you anywhere.

 Thank you Mrs.Jenkins I’ll think about what you said and I’ll think about my decisions.

    Juawan finally got home and was obnoxiously greeted by his mom instantly.”Boy where have you been”I’m sorry mom I got a detention because Jordan was talking to me during class and I had to give my math teacher my phone so I couldn’t text or call you.

Sorry my behind, I gave you a phone so you can talk to me and text me and So I can text and call you when I need to. Your not gonna walk up in and out of my house when you please,As long as I keep the lights on in this house you will follow my rules and if you don’t you can get get your tale out of here.”Juwans mom has been super strict since his father had died because she doesn’t want anything happening to Juawan.

 ”give me that phone You’ll get it back in the morning for school and I’ll wake you up so you don’t need to use the alarm on your phone. Now take a shower and go to bed.Goodnight.

    Juawan woke up the next morning determined. He was done with making bad decisions. He was tired of not caring about his grades and tired of disappointing his mom, he wanted to make his dad proud even though he wasn’t in the moment with him. When he got to school he was prepared for his classes and alert. If Juawan really puts in effort and try’s his hardest to achieve all A’s from now until the end of the year then he can do his best. Juawan now wants to go to college but that’s also gonna be hard because when colleges see if they want you or not they look at your grades before your senior year to see if what kind of student you were back then matches up to the kind of student you are right now.  “You wanna try to hang after school today.” Jordan Whispered once again in the same class to juawan.

“Jordan bro, shut up, what are you talking for again we already got a detention, you obviously didn’t learn your lesson.

So that’s a no?

Yes it’s a no, I have tests to study for anyways. You should be focused on getting your grades up too just in case you wanna go to college. Once you get out of high school you might regret is because most people won’t want you when you’re applying for a job because they like to see that you went to college on your application.
Yeah I guess going to college can be good for me. So we’re in this together?

Yeah we in this together. Alright cool but no procrastinating,no getting off track and you need to start improving your grades today.

Today? Just give me one more day to slack of man.

Nope. You can’t do that if you really want it you gotta start right now. “

Fine” Jordan huffed in anger.

“ Hey don’t get mad at me for something you wanna change.” Juawan stated firmly. When a few months had passed by it was may and the boys had all A’s and they were doing phenomenal job at keeping up with their schoolwork. “Can you believe we’re gonna graduate in a month?

I know right it’s crazy, we really turned our lives around in just a couple months.

Yeah we did it together that’s the best part.

Thank you for helping me Juawan.No problem, any time”Juawan said sincerely.

Graduation rolled around and Juawan and Jordan were so excited like they were two kids in the candy store.
”You ready?”Juawan exclaimed excitedly as he could barely stand still,

”Yeah I’m ready” Jordan dragged out.

“Why are you hesitating? we’re graduating.

Yeah I’m just nervous. I am too that’s normal though.

Yeah it is,wow I can’t believe that we’re doing this together since all we’ve been through since kindergarden.
Jordan was tearing up but he was trying to hold it in the best he could.

“ Yeah thats crazy bro thank you for sticking with me through all of it and rocking with me this whole time.
I think our moms are in the stands sitting with each other.

That’s what I expected, I mean they’ve been friends since kindergarden just like we have they just got a really tight bond like us.” The graduation march music started playing as the cue for the students to come out. The graduation was lovely and before you knew it Jawan was standing up out his row to go receive his diploma.

“ Juawan Ingram” A teacher had stated as he walked across the stage with his diploma You could see the smile on his face as he left the stage.

“Jordan Johnson”The teacher at stated once again, you could see the big grin on Jordan's face as he also left the stage. It was finally for The Graduate to remove the tassels from right to left and throw their hats in the air ever so happily.

“We graduated Juawan we did it!

Yeah bro we did it I'm so proud of you.

So am I we got to go celebrate now let's go out to eat.I'm with you I've been hungry for hours.Juawan and Jordan had a great time celebrating with their families. Earlier in the year they had both applied to Michigan State University earlier on in the school year and they were both hoping to get accepted and that's exactly what happened. The boys didn't discover that they got accepted until the same day at the same time when they found out together. The way the boys found out is that the mothers had check the mail before they had got a chance to and they called each other and told them to meet up together. the mothers weren't sure that their children had gotten accepted but they had lots of faith so that's what they believed. “Add you want my mom wants me to go to your house or something I don't know what but I'm going to be there in about ten minutes. “What you want by Jordan over here for? I invited him over here to tell you got some good news. open these letters up. both the boys open up the letters to find out that they were both accepted into Michigan State University to attend they're in the fall. “We got accepted OMG. This is crazy. This is what we’ve been waiting for. Juawan and Jordan jumped up with joy because they couldn’t believe that they were both going to MSU in the fall together.”I'm ready for college life. Juawan exclaimed joyfully once again. “Me too I’m ready.” Juawan and Jordan both had  and open house together with all their friends and family there. It was tons of fun to reunite with everyone once they head off to college. Before Jordan and Juawan it,it was time to move into their dorms.”You ready to start the next chapter? Jordan said.” Absolutely.”Juawan exclaimed.

The author's comments:

What I hope readers get out of this story is motivation. I hope the reader knows that it's never to late to do what you want to do and that you should never give up and it's never to late to get back up.

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