Goodbye Moon | Teen Ink

Goodbye Moon

April 9, 2018
By t_witt BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
t_witt BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Would it be so hard to fly to the moon? He thought as his eyes watched the first space walk. Would it be so hard to fly to the moon? He sat in the box with lights beaming out, tilting from side to side.
Would it be so hard to fly to the moon? He jumped into the air feeling weightless.
Would it be so hard to fly to the moon? He lay in the field looking up to the stars.
Would it be so hard to fly to the moon? He willed himself to work endlessly on achieving his dream. 

“You will not go to the moon.” His teacher said handing him the failing grade.
I suppose it is too hard to fly to the moon, he thought closing the curtains and turning to face the blue light.

The author's comments:

I wrote from real life. We all dream big as children, and we may even work hard to acheive these dreams. But in the end many of us are told we are not good enough, or we fall from one stumbling block, ultimately leaving us to turn back into the boring zombies we were created to be. 

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