Town without a heart | Teen Ink

Town without a heart

May 11, 2018
By stevenmawi BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
stevenmawi BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Town without heart

As the day passed, the day has never gotten any better. In this rusted town, the day always got crushed before dawnned. I woke up everyday without a dream. In this town, you would never see the green. As the town evolved, the darker life it get. You were walking around the house with a bunch of rats. Life isn’t getting any easier, and it will never will. The strange mysterious creatures still looking for others to kill. It’s going around the town with a drill. He consumed every little life he sees. The strange mysterious creature is the king of the town. But this king took every single life down. We prayed to god to forgive us, but we end up falling in the dirt. It’s like the god has blocked the sun from us. Because, our daily life is getting crushed. I once walked in the theater, there was another strange creature. Saying “ take a seat young man” with a quiet loud voice. I have to go and take a seat because, I have no choice. As I get closer to the creature, the more it looks like my school teachers. While the creature called attendant for tomorrow , a quiet loud instrument is played in the background with sorrow. I was being marked as absent for tomorrow. I can’t do anything but to follow. In the theater, the creatures around me look so familiar with the teacher. I couldn’t move or scream, a blood strain down from the tv screen. I’ve never been like this before, it would be like this forevermore. As a few people are left, I’ve counted every single step I took back. “ I want to have a future!” I said to these creature. Mysterious creature everywhere, front and back. Mysterious creatures are always there, right and left. As they get closer to me, I just woke up in my bed as it is my dream. It has been my worst nightmare. I said to myself “ I will never go to that theater”. As I attended to the school, everybody was staring at me as I was a fool. I went to the bathroom to look at the mirror to see myself. As I walked out the bathroom, I talked to myself “ where’s everybody at?” I went back in the bathroom thinking about the days. I looked at the mirror and realized all the bruises I have in my face. As soon as I walked out, the principle talked to me saying “ what were you doing in the bathroom”. I just realized they were all in the classroom. I walked in as nothing happen while the teacher is taking the attendance. The quiet loud music instrument is played as they dance. The students were sinking down the ground as they were not given a chance. These creature looked so familiar with the one in my dream. Is it my thought or my eye vision, but it is what I see. I was marked as absent for today, now these creature started their play. Now it’s just me by myself as I was left alone. Since it’s their game, I had no choice but to play along. My last hope was that I will rest in paradise with everybody. This time it is not a dream, it’s just the way as its seen. Please start with my head, they did as I……..

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