The Light At The End | Teen Ink

The Light At The End

May 2, 2019
By Megansabbb BRONZE, North Highlands, California
Megansabbb BRONZE, North Highlands, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The husband and the wife are arguing while the operator is off to the side, but the couple does not seem to notice. The operator says the elevator is not working but the husband does not listen and pushes the button for the 5th floor. Without either the wife or the husband noticing the elevator does not move. They continue shouting about how the husband grabbed one of the women butts while she was performing a belly dance. The operator was very uncomfortable, scared, and a tad bit amused. Noticing that the man was highly intoxicated the operator did not want to make him even more mad and stay completely quiet. After about 10 minutes of arguing the couple finally realizes the elevator was not moving. The operator then repeated himself again and said “I told you it is not working, now you just made us even more stuck when you pushed the button.”

“How long do you think we will be on here” asked the women sounding extremely irritated.

“A While” the operator said even more irritated.

The man and the women kept making sly remarks to each other. “If you were as sexy as the dancer I would not have to touch her” said the husband. The wife looked at the operator and turned red in the face. Then she looked at her husband and slapped him leaving a red handmark on his right cheek. “Throughout these 5 years of marriage you have humiliated me, hurt me, and abused me. Enough is enough” she said crying hysterically. The operator was not amused any more in fact he felt for this women. He thought she was too beautiful to be treated this way. After about 30 minutes being stuck on the elevator the couple had no more to say to each other. The husband passed out drunk in the corner. The operator knew it was his time to help this women. The operator looked at the women with sincerity in his eyes “Ma’am are you okay?”

“Now I am, I have been waiting 5 years to be able to work up the courage to stand up to him” She said.

“Well, if I must say so, I am happy you did. You are way too beautiful to be treated that way” the operator said.

“Why thank you, but can you not? You just saw what I went through. I do not need your pity” she said.

“Okay then” he said as the elevator finally started working.

Once the elevator doors open she left leaving her no good husband passed out drunk with puke on his face.

As time went on the husband and wife filed for divorce and the women moved to California to start a brand new life. As she walked into her favorite coffee shop, she just happened to run into the eleavtor operator.

“Hi, miss” said the operator.

“Oh, hello.” said the women shyly.

“Crazy seeing you here right?” said the operator.

“Yes, what are you doing in California” said the women.

“Not much, just got a new job at Apple, what about you?” said the operator

“After that indecent I moved out to california and started a fresh start.” said the women.

“Oh that sounds good, you still look beautiful as ever. Do you think I can buy you coffee” said the operator.

“Yes, you can actually. By the way I never got your name. My name is Brooke.”

Oh yes, my name is Mark.”

Mark and Brooke talked for hours at the coffee shop and ended up going on a few other dates. As time went on they were able to get to know each other.

After 9 months of being together Mark knew he wanted to marry Brooke. He met with her family and asked for her hand in marriage.

He went with her first thought and asked Brooke to marry him at a restaurant. He put the wedding ring in a glass of champagne. As they were out to eat the waiter came with the glass of champagne. Mark confessed on how happy Brooke made him and went to toast hus glass with hers. She did not drink. Instead she looked at Mark and said “ I know we are kind of new to this relationship but I do not think I can hold this in any longer.”

Mark was scared that she was going to break up with him. “We’re pregnant.”

Marks face lit up and he ran over to give her a tight embrace and we down on one knee.

He dumped the champagne out of the glass and said “Brooke will you marry me”.

Brooke without hesitation said “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

The whole restaurant applause as Mark and Brooke held each other.

Little did Mark know that the 5 years she was with her abusive husband the doctors said she was infertile. Brooke believes that, that is why her husband treated her so horribly. Mark and Brooke soon lived happily ever after!

The author's comments:

Megan is a first-year student at Menlo College, from Sacramento, California. She is the president of the First-Year Class, and in the year to come she will be the Wellness Representative, where she focuses on mental, physical, and emotional well being. Megan is the recipient of the Richard O’Brien Award at Menlo College for excellence leadership and contributing to Menlo College's learning community. Megan is a Psychology major with interest in special needs, mental health awareness, and issues surrounding social justice.

Megan writing has been published in Menlo Advantage and has been quoted in award-winning yearbooks.

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