the only one left | Teen Ink

the only one left

May 31, 2022
By Anonymous

  (scene one takes place on a field outside)


Gosh. It's such a beautiful day outside. I wish I were a butterfly. I could do whatever I wanted to do.

                                  (butterfly flies on her hand)


You are so strong mya. You are a butterfly. Well not literally. But you know what I mean. You flutter on the inside and outside. You grew out of your cancun and are now free. You are a strong girl mya. And I love you.


I love you two daisy. You're truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. You're my best friend.

(both of them hiug and it lasts 30 seconds and they both smile with joy filled within)


Well daisy i must be going. I would love to stay here with you but I really really need to get my school work back together. Life has been really tough. Oh wait, I'm starting to see the butterfly in me !!! hahaha


I told you! You're amazing. I love you.

(daisy waves to mya as mya trots away in the field feeling good about things for once in her life.)



Yes you can come out now.

(Daisy guiltily Twists her hair back and looks down at her feet as if she feels like she's doing something wrong.)



Finally, why did I have to hide in that nasty bush again? I'm pretty sure I got stung by about 2 bees, a snake, and two rats.


Oh cut it out josh. Would you really want mya to know about us? You're her brother. You're the only one she has left. I cannot do this to her.

(daisy glances to behind where josh was standing and sees a big hole dug in up)

And about the rat, maybe you weren't wrong… but it was for a good cause.


Come on daisy. You know mya. She wouldn't care. I even heard you myself, you called her a centipede??


This isn't a joke josh. I care about mya alot. And it was a butterfly. She is a strong girl and she needs you josh. The last thing she would want to find out is that her best friend is sneaking around with her older brother. Thats messed up josh think about it.


Okay okay. I get your point. But it's not risking me seeing you. I love mya and all because she's my sister, but i'm not risking me and her relationship even if she finds out about us.



Oh silly josh. Always making the perfect romantic gestures. Now really, let's get back home before my homework and meet me back here.

(Josh takes Daisy's hand as they walk away admiring and pointing at the beautiful sky.)



GRETA!!! Where are you!!?!?! I need to show you my paper for english. I think it would get an A!

(mya smirks as she knows this will catch her attention.)


Did I hear A worthy?? Whoot whoot!!

(greta runs up the stairs)


(greta is myas mental support guardian) 






Okay here's the plan daisy. You go upstairs, run into my room and I distract you. I forgot her name. Oh yes! Greta. It will distract me greatly. She's probably just watching her show or something, so you should just be able to sneak behind the couch.




How do you not know your own sister's mental supporter? And Are you crazy? This is not okay. Imagine if mya is downstairs too and she sees me go into your room. This is crazy. So crazy. I can't do it, Josh, I really can't.

(daisy covers her hands over her face)


Daisy listens to me. Do you trust me? Because I know damn right that I would trust you with all my life. And I know you would do it back.


Yes I do josh. I'm just…. I'm so afraid.



It's my sister. I know you will be a safe daisy, be the butterfly you tell mya to be. Be strong. 

(Daisy feels a flash through her stomach as she realizes that Josh is right.)



I love you josh. 

(Daisy kisses Josh as Josh grabs her and twirls her hair.)



Now go!!! I will be right behind you. I will act super natural!!



Oh shut up josh. Just please don't be suspicious. 

(daisy laughs as she approaches mya and josh's garage)




So great. What did you think of this masterpiece?


It's great! I always love a story with great empathy and suspense. Keep it up!

(great shuts and leaves myas room and she goes downstairs to make some food.)




Chicken fingers?????



You know me too well!


(door creaks open a tad as daisy now enters myas and josh's house.)




Okay daisy. You got this. Just.. one step by another!!!

(daisy makes it up to the stairs)



Actually, I think I'm gonna come down and make myself some green tea. I need a cleanse.

(mya shouts from her room to downstairs as she exits her room making her way to the kitchen)



(daisy slowly takes steps down from the stairs)




Oh. Hey there girl!! What are you doing here.. On my steps??



Oh! Well,, umm I just wanted to um… give you… this!!

(daisy picks watermelon chapstick out of her back pocket)



Um?? Okay?



Did you know that watermelon chapstick actually makes you 10 times more focussed when studying!

So you should really just go back up there and use some of this stuff and then I'll be going!!

(Daisy shoves the chapstick to myas lips and puts it all over them.

Thanks?? Well I'm actually going to make some green tea. So.. I mean you can stay if you want!



Actually I was gonna stay…… get going!!! No, I'm not gonna stay. I have to do a bunch of homework and stuff. You know the drill!


Okay!? Well I'll be in my kitchen!


Just perfect!

   (right as mya turns her back daisy runs up the stars and launches into josh's room)


                                                             (door opens and slams shut)



Hey fam!! What's up?



Hey josh!! I missed you so much!!
(give each other a hug)



Well I must be going upstairs because I have got lots of homework to do!! AP gov test coming up next week. Cannot fail this one!



What is with everyone and there non stop studying!!

(oven aggressively goes off)


Schools are great. But I gotta go!

(Josh runs up the stairs and slams his door.)


I knew this was going to happen. If mya comes up here… we are dead meat.

Did you know that your really cute when your mad



Shut up josh.

(josh grabs daisy and kisses her)


Okay okay we need to stop now. Myas home and the same with Greta and this is just too much. And shouldn't you be studying for that AP gov test?


Daisy.. The only reason I said that is so I could get an excuse to go upstairs!


Oh right! Makes a lot more sense!


Okay well why are you so nervous. We're alone in my room, the door is locked, myas eating downstairs….



What josh. Why did you pause


                                                      (footsteps holler the hallway as they soon approach the outside or Josh's room.)


Get in my closet. Right now.

              (daisy scurried into josh's closet as mya knocks on josh's door)


Josh!?? Can I come in!? And why is your door locked? It's never locked.

Well you see mya.. any one would lock their door if they were studying for an AP test and their younger sister was trying to barge in.

              (josh unlocks the door and opens it)

Well gosh if you put it that way it makes me seem annoying. Well anyways, I lost my sweatshirt and I wanted to find it. So if you don't mind, I'm just gonna try to look for it in your closet.

                                                          (Daisy covers her mouth as she squints her eyes hard trying not to break down.)


Don't be silly mya. I wouldn't have your sweatshirt. I wouldn't take one of them. It wouldn't fit me anyways. It would be too small. It's not like mom does our laundry anymore anyways.

                (mya sobs and walks out of josh's room)


(daisy opens the closet door a crack)

Why would you bring up your mom josh. You know how sensitive mya is and you know this is her sensitive spot.


Well how about we forget about mya right now daisy..

(josh helps daisy out of the closet and slowly kisses her)

Josh, I'm serious!!

I said this once too many times but mya doesn't need anymore stress. She already has the stress of losing her mom and if she finds out about us it's game over.


Game over for what??

 (mya creeks open the door slightly as she takes a step into josh's room)



Hey mya! So if you're wondering…


Daisy why are you in josh's room with the door locked


Well actually your.. Um…. Josh asked me to help him study for the AP test! Yes! I'm really good at that class and I just wanted to help because I know how hard it is. Oh and about the door, we just didn't want anyone to barge in because we need all our focus on this.

Okay got it. But keep the door unlocked. Don't want anything else going on! Hahah


Haha, very funny! Were just study partners mya. Nothing to worry about

(mya smirks and shuts door and leaves)


Nothing to worry about!?! Says the one who gets nervous about anything.

I'm sorry I panicked. I just don't know what to do anymore and I cannot lie to her like this anymore.


Come here. 

(josh opens the window and points his hand out)

You want us to-


Yes. sneak out. It's the only safe way. Let's go to the field.

                                 (Josh and Maya both climb out the two story window by gripping onto a rope.)

                                         SCENE IS NOW OUTSIDE AT THE FIELD



Ugh. This is just so relaxing. I love this place so much. Makes me feel…. Calm.


Very. if you listen to the birds sing, you almost get a tune out of it.


Oh i love it

              (daisy and josh link hands as they kiss)


(unhooks herself with josh)

Wait. open your watch and tell me the time immediately.

Uh.. 3;00pm?


Okay okay we're good.



If this is about mya, you just need to relax. Everything will be okay. Besides, she's with Greta right now. Greta makes her happy.

(Daisy looks a little glumb thinking of the fact of someone else making mya happy rather than herself which is her best friend.)

Yeah. you're right. Everythings okay.

(Daisy puts her hand out as a dragonfly and a butterfly lands on her.)

Two at once! I should win the lottery with good luck from this one!

Oh don't be silly. That stuff is fake. 


Not at the moment. Just cherish it.


                        (butterfly and dragonfly start to fight.)


Hey! That dragonfly kinda reminds me of you. When you get a little feisty!!


You're not funny at all.

(daisy is confused about the gesture the butterfly and dragonfly are giving off)


                                                   (daisy then glances over and sees from a distance mya waking with a pile of her books)


Here we go again!!



Just get under the bushes and don't have a problem about it

                                            (mya finally gets to the part of the field where daisy is standing)


Hey! What are you doing here daisy?? Why are you all alone?


Well actually I'm not al-... yes! I am alone because um… i ….. Was really stressed and I needed a calm place to sit.

Me too! That's my exact same reason. Lifes just so stressful lately. I just need a -


     (acorn falls of tree and hits josh's head)

Was that josh??? What is going on here daisy?!?


Just leave her alone mya! Not everything has to be about you



Hey! Knock it off. Everyone calms down, I can explain.

      (josh walks up to daisy and kisses her as mya watches traumatized)


What the f**k was that josh


You know you wanted it though


What just happened. Daisy? Please? 

     (mya spbs not even knowing what to say)



In love you so much mya. You're such a strong girl. You have gone through so much and I never meant it to be like this. Please let's just forget about this


How long has this been going on?

   (Mya still sobs)


You know what. I'm going to be truthful with you. 2 months.




  (mya puts her hands over her mouth and breaks down)

  Why am I even still alive? 

       (mya now speaks to the audience)

Why universe, why me??


Mya please!!


Go home daisy. I'm so sick of you.

      (daisy falls to the ground as mya stops her foot on the group and wa;ks him)

You two deserve each other !!!

What the f**k josh. I hate you 

(daisy sobs and breaks down as she cant even make eye contact with josh)


Oh don't be so full of yourself. It's just me who cares.

(josh pulls out the daisy weeds and throws them back onto the group angrily)



I care. She's my best friend. I'm there for her always and forever. And I don't even know if I'm able to do that anymore because of you.

               (Daisy stops and slowly walks away.)



Oh perfect day. Why did this turn so glum?? I guess tragedies do happen. But why??

                    (Daisy then lets her hand out as a multicolored butterfly goes onto her hand as the dragonfly then zooms by not even stopping to fight with the butterfly.)





The author's comments:

this play or act shows thje importance of how friends always go first and how telling the truth is more important than you think.

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