A Tragic Romance | Teen Ink

A Tragic Romance

June 1, 2022
By 3johnsonl SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3johnsonl SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  This was the moment I fell in love with Romeo. He was the most charming, sweet and handsome boy who any girl would dread for. The day was last Friday when the gals and I went to the clubs and shops downtown. The night was young and we were dancing around the bright neon lights and the multitude of colors along the streets. Anything could happen. From bar to bar we swiftly ran with our dresses following behind us. Most certainly guys were noticing our ocean colored dresses and our gorgeous groomed hair. When we finally arrived at the last place, a man tripped on my dress and caused both of us to collapse onto the ground. Anger started flowing through my body. My outfit which was hundreds of dollars was ruined. When I looked up to see who wronged me I froze. My friends looked at me in hopes that I would start screaming at the boy, but I just started to laugh, we both started to. His eyes were starlit and his smile lit up the sky. Romeo asked me if I “Had any plans that night,” and insisted I should come to his place for water. I shouted yes most confidently and my heart shriveled back and forth. When Romeo got back up and departed from the sidewalk,  a vehicle going the wrong direction struck Romeo, all I heard was a loud sound, CRASH! I ran back with tears in my eyes to see my newest lover dead.

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