Isolated Islands | Teen Ink

Isolated Islands

July 29, 2009
By decomposing_hearts GOLD, Bethlehem, New Hampshire
decomposing_hearts GOLD, Bethlehem, New Hampshire
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It was the final minutes before the bell was going to ring; I didn’t want school to end. I would have to say that today was really hard to comprehend. I thought I was going to go crazy. It was my last day of school and I was moving away. As I thought of this, my puffy eyes started to water up again. I had been crying all day and so were my friends when they found out, but the worst was when I told my boy friend, Edward. I couldn’t stop from the tears rolling down my face, but some how it was able to come out. When he heard me say it, he took me into his arms and hugged me for what seemed hours, never losing his grip on me. It only made me cry even more.
I thought to my self in that moment, ”If I could leave all this pain, where would I go?” and like a dream it all hit me at once. I imagined that I was on an isolated island where no one else lives but Edward and me. I can imagine the sun beating on my skin and every nerve responding to the heat in different ways. The air lightly blowing through my hair, letting it brush my shoulders, like someone taking a feather and lightly brushing it up and down my arms. The sound of the magnificent waves crashing up against the intricately shaped rocks. The spraying of the sea water everywhere. The sound of the seagulls flying above me. I could imagine walking over to some fallen coconuts and cracking them open to taste the sweet milk inside to help kill the thirst that I had. After, I would walk over to the middle of the beach and lie down, picking up the sand with my hand and letting it fall through my fingers, as every grain tries to slip away. As I would lie there, I would be able to smell everything, taking them in one by one- the sea salt, the green of the forest, the coconuts, and in some weird way, the smell of peace. I thought to myself, I would spend and share all of this with Edward, for the rest of our lives.
Suddenly, I could feel his grip on me soften. He no longer had his arms around me, but now his hands were on my face. We were staring at each other until he slowly brought his lips to mine and kissed me as if it was our last, and in some way it was. He slowly moved his forehead to mine, and disconnecting our lips, rested it there for a minute. He brought his lips to my ear and told me, “I will always love you and no one will ever take that away from us.” The tears started to flow faster down both of our faces and I replied “no one.”

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