meaning of love and peace | Teen Ink

meaning of love and peace

March 30, 2010
By Yasmine Robinson BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
Yasmine Robinson BRONZE, Atlanta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ask yourself what is the real
Meaning of love and peace
I know I always ask my self that.
This is why I writing to u so I can answer
That. Love is a three letter word, that is used a lot or
Sometimes. Peace is meaning that all of us used every once in a while. And Love to me is that to love yourself and to
and to love And Love to me is that to love yourself and to
Love your self and to love
Others also to respect them and
Yourself and the people around u.
Peace and love is all
I have for now .
No love is greater
Then my love.
Yes . My love is with
You always . it’s always following
You everywhere .
No matter if you away
You will always know my love is
Never going any where .
Even if when your life gets too hard
I will have some angels looking after you
And your family and other friends
That the meaning of love. My love is amazing
I hope you can see that like I can.

The author's comments:
it about love and meaning you and not being others.

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