Remembering The Memories | Teen Ink

Remembering The Memories

July 9, 2010
By Kanchana BRONZE, North Warrandyte, Alabama
Kanchana BRONZE, North Warrandyte, Alabama
1 article 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.
Never take life seriously. Nobody get

Never forget,
You hear the whisper upon the wind,
Never forget you can be loved,
The voice came again,
Never forget you can be loved if you gave them a chance,
You shake your head, trying to rid the voice. It wasn’t true, nothing was true anymore.

It seemed you would be alone forever, never remembered. But you remembered him, him before that day…that fatal letter that had ended so many happy families.

Tears leak from your eyes, your aged hand rises to wipe them away. There was no use for crying, it was just showing your pain to everyone else.
Even after all this time.
No one should live through what you had; no one should have to read the letter. But many had received.

Dear Miss Violet,
The way letters always start
We are sorry to inform you, but your husband has died in battle.
Your hand shook slightly before you continued.
He was a brave fighter…..
That was him, always being the hero and never a thought for himself.
He will never be forgotten for his bravery, and you will receive his medal….
That didn’t change anything. A medal didn’t change anything; for the words were already imprinted into your mind, never to be forgotten, never.

More tears drip down over your chin, but your hand doesn’t move to wipe them this time.
You can picture his young handsome face, the dark eyes, the bushy hair.
His smile, you could remember his smile, the one he saved only for you.
The way his eyes lit up every time he saw you.
As if you made the pain go away.

You remember the plans you had for your future.
Sitting on the front poach growing old together, holding hands.
Sharing your plans, your futures.
They way he would never laugh at your ideas, no matter how insane they seemed.

You picture him again, older, the same age you were now. His mop of graying hair, the same loving smile.
Sitting by your side forever, holding hands.
And he would smile, tell you he loved you.
But that would never happen for you.

You would never have what the others had.
The happy families.
You would never have that, not without him.

Then you remembered his letter, the one that made you so happy that day.
My dearest Violet,
The messy handwriting made you imaging him sitting there, writing it and frowning in concentration.
We are at the front, but I will be home soon….
How worried you had been for him. Being on the front, barely any of them returned home.
I wish I could ask in person, but this is the next best thing I could do…
You had pondered at that, what was he going to ask?
Please, when I return, would you marry me and be forever mine?
Yes, you had yelled aloud, telling the whole world.
Then the letters stopped.
There was no one to write them.
He was gone
And you could never forget

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