One More Day | Teen Ink

One More Day

March 15, 2012
By marzapan PLATINUM, Westchester, Pennsylvania
marzapan PLATINUM, Westchester, Pennsylvania
48 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
"do not lead me unto temptation, i can find the way my self" rita brown
"die fish Hitler die" jake: homestuck
"My only friend growing up was a yak." -Russia (Hetalia)
"Pants are your first priority." -My friend

i look at him staring down at me, tears streaming down his face. "Please, it doesn't have to be this way, please..." he falls to the ground and puts his face and his hands, muffling his loud sobs. something warm and wet starts to trickle down my face, i said i wouldn't cry, i promised myself i wouldn't cry. it hadn't been long since i got the call from the doctor. the fake sincerity and sympathy in his voice when i first picked up gave me the answer before his words did. the cancer had spread, i only had 3 weeks to live. the boy at my feat didn't know that, he thought i didn't love him any more and that i was leaving him. i would rather have him think that then know the truth. the girl he loved was dieing, her hair that she never let him touch was a wig, and the reason she was always sick wasn't because of allergies. "I'm sorry, i- i have to go." i turn and run, tears free flowing across my skin like a water fall. if only he knew, but i can't tell him, i could never tell him. i run as fast as my legs will carry me, and when i am far enough away, i collapse next to a stream. wind whips around my face, and i scream into it my full misery, shouting the name of the boy i love. i will regret that till the day i die, mabey even after.

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