Love or Fate | Teen Ink

Love or Fate

September 17, 2012
By GinaR BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
GinaR BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Love or Fate

It as a sunny morning in the neighborhood, birds were chirping, flowers had began to blossom, and the wind was blowing a great breeze. Kayla was new to the neighborhood and it also was her first day or school. Out she comes with her dazzling yellow dress, waiting to be accompanied by a neighbor. Next door to her lived a boy named Omar. Both of them were seniors in High School. Their mothers had previously talked about them walking to school together. As he came out they both begin to smile. Omar said happily, “Are you ready to leave?” Kayla pondered for a moment then replied, “Yes let’s go.” Enjoying their walk laughing and joking just getting to know each other a little better Omar asked Kayla did she want to go out with him. After hearing her response of yes he gave her a silver necklace with a heart on it. He told her as long as they lived beside each other than they were going to be together. Finally they arrived at Oakhurst County High School.
The weeks begin to pass by faster and faster and Omar and Kayla begin to grow weaker and weaker into their relationship. Kayla had grown to love Omar but he didn’t see to feel the same. They both played basketball and in Omar’s eyes that was just too much of time to be spent with her. On this one particular day Omar and Kayla got into this dangerous, difficult disagreement. After the oral, offensive disagreement, they decided to see other people.
A week later Kayla was a rollercoaster, but Omar was a happy horse. So happy that Omar started to date this other girl named Tyra. From Kayla’s point of view they looked so happy and in fact they were. Being the observer that she is one day she noticed that Tyra had on the exact same necklace that Omar gave her. Kayla was so furious that she threw her necklace in the trash. She thought that Omar was different but after all he wasn’t. Couple days passed by and Kayla decided to explore her options. She had begin to talk to this guy named Tyrone, even in her heart she wasn’t completely over Omar. She tried to make the best out of her and Tyrone’s relationship. Tyrone had a brother named James. He knew that Kayla still loved Omar and wanted to warn him. Tyrone was so blinded by love that he didn’t notice by her actions.
It was a cooler night than usual and Kayla was walking home from basketball practice. It had been on her mind all evening. She was as scared as a mouse, but she had to face reality. Later that night she sent Tyrone this long text message stating that her heart was still with Omar and that he deserved better. The next day at school her and her friend Olivia was walking down the hall. Olivia was trying to get Kayla to see that she had to tell Omar about how she felt. Kayla knew it was time but she just didn’t want to do it. Olivia gave her some good advice and told her that if it was meant to be then everything would work out for the better. Kayla believed that Omar was her true love.
That same night Kayla built up enough courage to go to Omar’s bedroom window and see if she could change his mind. She jumped out her window and slowly walking with anticipation, knocked. Omar still in a daze got up, put on a shirt and hopped out. “We need to talk”, Kayla said anxiously. Omar staggered and told her that she was crazy and that she needed to go back to bed. Kayla said, “I think that you and I are meant to be together and I won’t take no for an answer”, Omar replied “Why would you do this knowing me and Tyra were doing great?” Kayla paused for a moment then said, “How about we play a game of basketball,” “for what?” Omar exclaimed. “For your heart”, Kayla said. Omar thought this was the stupidest thing but deep down he still loved her. They both went to change and then they meet up by the basketball court behind Omar’s house. They started the game. They were only going to five. During the game Omar played her so aggressively. He knocked down so hard that she felt like giving up, but she didn’t. She believed in fighting for what she wanted. The game was tied. Both had four points. Extremely nervous Kayla stole the ball and shot, but unfortunately it didn’t go in. Omar got the ball and scored. Crying historically Kayla walked away in shame. Then she heard a voice say, “Best two out of three.” She turned around and there stood Omar with open arms.

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This article has 2 comments.

GinaR BRONZE said...
on Sep. 27 2012 at 5:46 pm
GinaR BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Thanks i honestly tried my best considering that it was wrote in a day and a half :)

on Sep. 22 2012 at 7:30 pm
cuckoo_for_cocoa_puffs SILVER, Superior, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are not Africans because we are born in Africa; we are Africans because Africa is born in us"- Chester Higgins Jr.

Aww....I especially love the last bit...the only thing I would suggest is to remember it is better to show, rather than explain. That's all. Good work :)