The Meadow | Teen Ink

The Meadow

May 24, 2013
By danielle rivard BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
danielle rivard BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A blond hair girl sits in a sea of shinning flowers. She stares at a daisy with a single tear running down her face, following the path made by creases of her nose to her lips. She looks up into the clear blue sky hoping she is being watched. Plucking the daisy as if she is hoping her love loves her, but instead she has a different wish. The single tear now has friends turning the stream into a river. The girl grabs her hands wishing he were there to hold them instead. As she lays down, the pollen in the flowers weaves throughout her hair filling in the empty spaces. Glancing over her shoulder the wind creates the presents of the missing piece. Letting go of her hands the image disappears and tears continue to roll down her faces.

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