Mysterious Woman | Teen Ink

Mysterious Woman

May 30, 2013
By michael Durazo BRONZE, Oxnard, California
michael Durazo BRONZE, Oxnard, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time- more like last week, Mr. Wide was at his usual self: wake up, feed the dog, go on a walk, have lunch, and watch baseball till bedtime. He was a very boring man until one day on his walk he had seen the most precious sight in the world, the girl down the block. He had to meet her right away. So the next day he went to the park ( where usually his walks take place) and was waiting for her with a coffee. Hours had passed and she didn’t show up. So he said “ tomorrow ill get up extra early and wait for her.” and he did, again and again and again and again and again. Finally he just sighed and said “ I would of never thought I would be with a women so beautiful as that.” suddenly a burst of wind blew to him and there she was. Mr. Wide didn’t know her name, though he was determined to find out what it was. It so happened that the lady lived in the same apartment building he lived in. “ This is amazing!” He thought to himself. So the next morning he got up grabbed two coffees and waited at the lobby. After a few hours she finally came down. Mr. Wide didn’t know what to say so he said this: “helloingklh wohgfdx ggkjkjhjme.” Poor Mr. Wide, he blew his chance. She thought it was funny the way he acted so she gave him a card. Mr. Wide was thrilled, until he read the card the card stated: Speech Therapy with Dr. Miller ’the Best in the business’ (555)555-8888.” he was sad but then she turned around and she looked as if she made a mistake, she did. She came back and gave him another card and said “call me maybe.” on the card was her number and her lovely name of Madison.

The End

The author's comments:
I have a friend who met a mysterious woman and her name was, i was isnpired to write this short story

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