You are as Summer Storm | Teen Ink

You are as Summer Storm

December 13, 2013
By savannahhailey BRONZE, Oradell, New Jersey
savannahhailey BRONZE, Oradell, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

5:34 am
I'd like to think that I'm awake because fate woke me up exactly when you did as a sort of prelude to book two of our Romeo and Juliet (sans suicide) style epic love story. But I know that it’s just the piercing hole in my chest reminding me that I'm no longer allowed the luxury of peace, not even when I should be sleeping at 5:30 am. It always finds the perfect time to remind me of You.


I was supposed to forget and move on (steps ten and eleven of the twelve part Get
Over You Plan). With 12,000 miles serving as a buffer I should have been able
to creep out of the "Facebook Stalker" phase with ease, yet somehow I
keep drifting back to your red t-shirt (coated with) licked by sand and the way we laughed when you tumbled over the driftwood. I guess the South Carolina current is still
pulling my buoyant limbs out to sea. But it's hard to forget how that was the
day that I fell too.

Step 10, an obvious bust, leaves me back at step nine: Find the rainbows and rays of light in life (eloquence courtesy of my dear friend Maggie). It's been raining ever since I landed at Kennedy; rainbows and rays are severely hard to come by. But, even though it so cliched-ly takes something, not sure what exactly, but something, of me with it, the rain seems to fade You away.

i.e (Like) when you made me get up at 6 am to ride that tandem bike down the boardwalk and I rode in the back because I couldn't be trusted to steer before 12. Half way down, by the juice-to-go joint, you turned around to tell me something. And I laughed so hard the bike almost tipped over. Now, I see your mouth moving and your iridescent (brilliant) white teeth (second to the right slightly chipped) but it plays like an old silent movie and I’m left to fill in the gaps of what I still don’t understand. I don’t remember what you said and now it's all gone to white noise and crashing waves and the (something about the way he looked at me). And I don't remember your favorite band either; just that I hoped it wasn't going to be Metallica. Or how old you were when you moved from Middle-Of-Nowhere Ohio/Illinois/Oklahoma to LA. Or how long you said you'd love me for. And I don't think you remember what I said (by the glow of the bonfire) behind the flighty glow of the bonfire either. I like it that way. As long as we keep forgetting it might stop pouring and there'll be a rainbow to go chase down. And I hope that one day you can forget the color of my eyes, because yours have already begun to fade to a sort of blackish color pit. Maybe they were hazel; I'd already fallen for a couple pairs of hazel eyes. But even if they were blue, I know I can't forget the way you held my hand because in my eyes there were white sparks and red flames burning out the sky. And, You darling, You yourself, your soul and your beautiful heart will stay with me Forever.

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