Miles Away | Teen Ink

Miles Away

January 21, 2014
By Anonymous

(A tiny, crowded coffee shop in San Diego, California. Late morning. Helena, twenty year old student, sits in a leather chair, on her computer. Next to her is a side table, which has an iced coffee that Helena ordered on top of it. Next to Helena is her best friend, Victoria. Henry walks into the coffee shop and spots Helena. Helena sees Henry staring and turns to Victoria)
Victoria, have you seen that guy around here before?
(Victoria looks over, to see that Henry is still staring at Helena.)
No I have never seen him before, but he sure likes the sight of you.
(Helena stares back at Henry, then, Henry makes his way over toward them.)
Hello, I am Henry, have we met before?
(Stares at Helena and sits down next to her.)
I do not believe so. I am Helena. I go to school down here, are you from around here?

No, I actually live in Boston, my friend and I am just visiting down here, is there any chance I could maybe see you before I leave tonight Helena?
Um yes, I believe so.
(Helena writes down her number and hands it to Henry and then Henry smiles and leans over and kisses her cheeks and walks out of the coffee shop.)
(Helena is at her house, a small, blue home with a red door and large windows. Inside, Helena and Victoria are discussing what happened at the coffee shop today between Helena and Henry.)
I don’t know Victoria; I just felt something so different with him, than I ever have with anyone else. He could stare at me and tell me a story with his eyes.
Helena, are you hearing yourself? You sound crazy, besides Leo is dying to date you, and he is a great catch. I think you should give him a chance Helena. You would be lucky to have him.
I do not want to date Leo Victoria, he does not look at me with such intimacy, and he does not make butterflies come rushing through my body when I see him. I want to see Henry again.
(As she is talking about him, Henry calls. He is panicked and is telling Helena he had to rush home to Boston immediately. Helena begins to look upset and Victoria notices. Helena ends the call and begins to cry.)
Please Helena, you barely know the guy, why would you be crying over a man you just met? This is absurd.
You do not understand Victoria. I felt it. I felt the feeling, the feeling you get when you meet your other half, the person you can stare at for hours and never get bored, I found him. Now he is gone.
(Victoria leaves the house, seeming frustrated; while Helena sits in her room thinking of if she will ever see Henry again.)
(Henry and Helena are both inside the Boston airport. An enormous, lively building filled with thousands of people. Henry is in a terminal with his friend, Geoffrey. Helena is running through the airport, searching for Henry.)

Listen Henry, you have not stopped talking about this girl since the second you got off that plane. Let it go, you will never even see that girl again. Besides, I have so many girls just waiting to date you.
No Geoffrey, I am done with those girls, she is it. She is the one for me. I could tell from the moment I saw her in that coffee shop that she was the girl I am going to marry.
(Geoffrey and Henry are heading towards the airport exit, when he spots Helena. Helena finds him and runs toward him and hugs him tightly.)
Helena! What are you doing here? How did you get in Boston?
I sat in my room thinking about what could have been between us and I just drove to the airport and caught the earliest flight here. I needed to know you felt the same way, that you felt the same feelings I did that day.
Yes Helena. I feel the same. I have felt the same since the moment I walked into that coffee shop, and I will twenty years from now.
(Henry and Helena kiss and leave the airport together.)

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