Summer Beauty | Teen Ink

Summer Beauty

April 21, 2014
By Ethan Soderstrom BRONZE, Bloomington, Wisconsin
Ethan Soderstrom BRONZE, Bloomington, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her name rolls off the tongue like a ball would roll across a grassy field. The sound of it relaxes the body like a cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. As you will see, only that of the summer months can describe her beauty. You would not forget the sight of her. Like a wolf would never forget a full summer moon. Her blue diamond eyes shine bright like a clear blue sky on a warm sunny day. The moon wishes to shine as clear as those crystal eyes, and the sun begs to burn as bright as her smile. That smile, a smile that could brighten the darkest day, and push away any amount of clouds or rain.

Her voice, like that of a single gentle harp will get you lost in a field of luscious grass and warm thoughts. Having the will to fight that from happening is unknown. It would be like trying to stop the sun from rising in the morning, and preventing the summer tide from advancing up the beach. Just like preventing your heart from ever falling in love, this task will prove impossible. Love is that feeling you get all throughout your body when her long black hair brushes against your skin. It’s as if the summer night itself is pulling you in. You are not afraid of this feeling because it is warm, and gentle to the touch and you know not of the secrets it holds, but nor do you care. Her hair is soft and her touch is calming, and by this time you have already given into the sound of that sweet gentle harp playing songs that sweep across the open field of green. Your lips touch, your eyes close and now you realize that just like the full summer moon to a wolf. She will forever be in your heart and mind.

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