fiery love | Teen Ink

fiery love

June 10, 2014
By lovelife1 BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
lovelife1 BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My plan wasn’t to love the devil, mean maybe if I would have been more careful in my past. We had met almost a year ago when I was on my death bed. I had been in an accident and was in a coma when first the lord had come and seen me, he told me I was going to die but because of some past choices I would be in the fire place we call hell.
A day later the devil was by my side ready to take me, he had to wait though until god decided. I never understood that, he was sending me to hell why not kill me now. As the devil and I had waited we would casually talk.
“How are you feeling”, “are you almost ready to say goodbye” he would ask and smirk. He was the opposite of god, evil. We had continued to talk about things when I had the great idea.
I get the devil to love me and let me live longer. This seemed crazy to me and if anyone else heard them too, but because I was already dying why not try? Days past as I sat in my coma watching my family surround me crying talking and crying even more. They would read me the newspaper, tell me about our family in Florida and hug me tightly. Anything they thought would help they tried.
I began to flirt with him, watching the fire rise from his head and those mean black eyes. I told him I think I was falling for him, told him he was cute and I had once kissed him. The devil must have never had anyone love him because he turned quick.
He began to flirt back and beg for more kisses. God had come to visit me once more he told me I had three days left and I would be gone to hell the bug filled fire place. Now I knew I had to work quickly.
The next day I had made love to the devil and made positively sure I could get what I wanted. Hours after I had begun to cry to him telling him I wish I had just five more years I had so much to do. I was playing the fell-sorry-for-me card.
And it worked, it took him a day to decide but he had made a deal. If I begin a relationship with him I could get until we break up. Right away I took the deal, but a problem had risen within days of flirting I had actually began to like him. The bible says the devil is evil, and that’s what everybody believes, but I had seen a different side.
When we were together his flames had gone down a whole two feet, his black eyes into green and his evil smirk was that flirty smile. Another thing had changed hell was now far from hell, and this is what I loved about him. The fact that I could change somebody that for as long as everyone has known was evil unlovable and scary. He was now decent to deal with.
Another problem was that my family would never understand, no one would. If I had said anything I would have been sent to an insane home, so disappearing for days was getting me in trouble.
My mom would question me at least twice a month “so you have been working a while hun, this must be so different. Your work never had you doing things like this”. My response would be a sigh and an I know, then change the subject to keep it hidden.
Months past as our secret relationship went along, things began to get crazy. We began to argue over our time and place differences. He began to tell me I should die in order to stay with him, I would just joke and say he should quit his job and live with me.
They say if I really love him why not die to go see him and the answer was simple I didn’t not want to be the queen of hell. This arguing continued and increased for months. Each argument was more intense then the last until finally my dreams shattered.
The argument had begun with us having kids he wanted them and I did not want half demon-human kids. But don’t call the devil a demon I found that out, he began to tell me he could just kill me so I left.
I told him good-bye, I was so angry I forgot our deal I just ran off after breaking up with him. A few days later another accident had occurred but this time I died suddenly. God had once again come to my side.
‘Mary you have betrayed me way more than a fool could’ he looked up then back down ‘im sorry but back to hell with you’ so I had went to that evil place.
This time it was more evil then before, but I had learned something. Don’t let the devil be your ex, if you’re going to hell.

The author's comments:
this piece is a mixture of roamnce and paranormal fiction in order to creat paranormal romance. i wrote this piece for a class and everyone loved it so i edited it to try to get it published.

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