Bringing Back Yesterday | Teen Ink

Bringing Back Yesterday

January 2, 2009
By Anonymous

Can we bring yesterday back around? Nope, not now, not ever. I mean who can really bring back the mistakes of yesterday, and turn them into the results of today? I used to think so, that was before I made the biggest and best mistake of my life. Mistakes. We all make them, humans are prone to mistakes but teenagers top the scale. We live on mistakes, thrive on mistakes, thank mistakes for their utter randomness, and yet blame them too. I hate you, I’m sorry, and the biggest mistake is I love you. These three words hold your fate in their vice grip. I have my share of mistakes, both good and bad. But the one mistake I never knew I’d make was to fall in love. The day was the worst, the timing good and bad, and just perfect. It was the day one year after my mother’s death. I crossed the field to the grave, a bouquet of daises in my hand. My mother loved daisies, I also did, but that was before her death. I placed the flowers on her gravestone and sat down on the wet grass. I smoothed my shaking hand over the gravestone so I could read it better.
“Hey mom,” I whispered my voice cracking “sorry I was late last week, dad wouldn’t give me a ride. Jake gave me ride here today again. You remember Jake don’t you? Of course you would, we’ve been best friends for years, the little dirt daredevil you called him, and me the swan skater.” At this point I couldn’t control the emotions bottled up inside me. The tears burst like a dam, gushing through my eyes, and loud sobs shook my body.
I knew behind me Jake was waiting, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t leave, yet I wanted to run away with all my life. I willed my mind to force the rest of my body to get up, but I stayed put.
I heard footsteps behind me, and soon two hands helped me up. Two warm, safe arms encircled me, clutching me to their chest. I looked up into the face of a man I’d never thought of more then a best friend and my mother’s voice rang loud in my head. “Can we bring yesterday back around? Yes, yes we can.
I looked up to his warm, comforting face that loved me even when I was in diapers. Looking down at me his eyes were warm and their warmth filled my body, taking away the gray that had lived in me until now. I stood up on my toes, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly. I don’t know what took over my body at that moment, but behind my shut eyes I saw my mothers face, smiling at me. And for once in my life I really did believe that yes, we can bring yesterday back around and hope for the best in the future.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this short story, when as now i was trying to write to a magazine. In my case i was going to enter seventeens short story contest, but by me knowing about it too late i could not submit my work. When someone reads this story i hope that they tooo will feel that we can turn yesterday back around, and that one persons love alwasy stays around.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 22 2009 at 2:44 pm
Let-it-rain-to-hide-my-tears SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live without regrets

ok when exctaly did yoe was a u say she was a girl for all i know it was a dude,but still good job.

on Oct. 11 2009 at 9:32 pm
liban605 BRONZE, Kent, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than You."
-Dr. Seuss

Amazing. Gave me goosebumps and brought butterflies to my stomach. Loved it : )