Chronicles of a Disgraced Teen Author II | Teen Ink

Chronicles of a Disgraced Teen Author II

July 18, 2015
By Lord3ate BRONZE, Silver Spring, Maryland
Lord3ate BRONZE, Silver Spring, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All morons hate it when you call them a moron"

J.D Salinger

July 1 2015
Dear Journal,
Today was a wreck, my mom came over to ‘visit’ and that never ends well ….. or starts well. Oh, from the start, right: I woke up at 10 am a little hungover and with no one in my house which is always a surprise for Berta, the cleaning lady. I grabbed a coffee and downed it while I took a cold bath. After soaking around for about 30 minutes, I hopped out and got ready for the day. At 12 I called my agent and asked him for a list of all the people at the ‘Patio Party’ as The Heralding Sun had dubbed it on the morning paper. He had the list faxed like 15 minutes later, and I went through it and discovered that I knew absolutely no one who was there other than my agent. I put it aside for later, because I had to go scuba diving today at 3 but as soon as I got my stuff together and got out the door, I met my mom in the hallway and she tells me she was here to see me. We walked back into the house and as soon as she gets inside she starts ripping me for not calling, and just generally for being a sucky human being for a good 5 minutes before deciding to stop and take a break. According to her rant I was wasting my life, secluding myself from family, and well you get the picture. I just sat there doing nothing when my phone rang. It was a strange number; maybe a fan found my number and wanted to dole out attention I didn’t want, but I simply needed to get away from my mom, so I answered and immediately I recognized the voice. It was the girl from the cook-out, party thingy last night. She called to ask if I had taken her bracelet, a little blue, glittered up bracelet, and at this point I implied that she was Cinderella but instead of a glass slipper, it was a bracelet. She then asked me to go to the library on Tuesday, at 5 and join her book club and I accepted. My mom just stood there and said nothing but as soon as I hung up the phone, she was back on my case without skipping a beat. This time she was interrogating wanting to know who it was, what they wanted, when she could meet her and then I told her it was none of her business. Spending time with my mom would make anyone crazy and I’m not invincible, so as she left I grabbed a pill lying on the table and swallowed it, to my detriment my mom saw and then made a scene, she called my agent, asked me for my stash and when my agent got here, my house was put in emergency lockdown until I could see Dr. Lana, my psychologist who was out of state. I can’t do anything without someone looking down my shoulder to make sure I am not popping pills or drinking booze. Fortunately for me I hide my booze well and they shouldn’t find it, however my agent knows I have a journal and that’s not great. So as I write this I realized that I still don’t know the name of the girl with the beautiful face and angelic voice.
    Good night, see you tomorrow

The author's comments:

Next installation to the series, if you have to catch up read the previous story and if you want more, just leave a comment. 

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