One soul in two bodies | Teen Ink

One soul in two bodies

January 19, 2016
By Forever_Strong BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Forever_Strong BRONZE, Auburn, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I looked up at the pictures on the wall and sighed. I had a wall just for those we have passed away just so I never forget who they are. Not like I ever really could. It's my family and friends, some I don’t really remember. I let my eyes scan the wall looking at each of the photos carefully. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes already. I let my eyes drop as i remembered all the good times i had with everyone. I walked into the living room and sat on the loveseat. I smile began to play at my lips. I remember sitting here with my grandfather when i was growing up. I looked around the living room and my smile grew bigger, all the little things that I’d never payed any attention to before were slowly coming back. My mind flashed back to my grandmother telling me about how her and my grandfather had met.

“Grandma, how did you and Papa meet?” I asked her as I sat in her lap as she did my hair. She always did it before I went to bed so it wasn’t hard to deal with the next morning before school. “You already know that Papa wasn’t my first husband but he for sure is my last. It was back in high school when we met, so in a way we were highschool sweethearts. I just never noticed him in any way back then. We were great friends, the best of friends you could say, but nothing ever bloomed between us then. Maybe because he was to shy to say anything and I was as well. But that besides the point” I heard her chuckle to herself quietly. “Years and years passed and I met your grandfather Robert. He’s your father’s biological father. We were inseparable for a while then things turned for the worse. After your father and aunt were born he started to hit me and I didn’t think to say anything, i honestly thought he loved me. It got to the point where I was black and blue and I didn’t realized it, but your great grandfather did. I had gone over to the house and he asked what happened. I just shrugged my shoulders but he knew, he knew the moment he laid eyes on the marks who it was from. The next time Robert came around your great grandfather he had a shotgun pointed at him and told him to leave his daughter alone or he’d kill him. Your grandfather got arrested for hitting me. Years passed and I got a phone call from my sister Anna saying that my high school best friend would be in town. I wasn't really sure which friend she was talking about seeing that i had a few so i said i would be over to see them.” she paused and took a breath and looked down at my hair. It was only halfway done and this made me giggle, she was so focused in the story she forgot about my hair. “Come on grandma I want to know the rest!! Please finish!!” my 5-year-old voice rang clearly. She laughed and continued. “Okay where was I? Oh I know I was going to Anna’s house. I walked up the steps dreading the walk. I was honestly nerves to go in and I didn’t know why. But some courage got in me and I went in not even knocking because it was like my second house. As I walked through the doors a got an eye full of the most amazing man in the world I guess you could say it was love at first sight. He didn’t notice me at first so I just ignored the ping in my heart and walked into the kitchen and saw my sister. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. It had been a while since we had seen each other last, Robert didn’t normally let me see my family even tho I insisted that I should. I let her go and wiped the tears from my eyes. ‘So where is this friend of mine from high school’ I asked her with a small smile on my face. I didn’t expect what was gonna happen next. ‘Right here’ his voice rang out. I could remember that voice from anywhere. It was the same voice that came from the guy in the living room when I had gotten to the house. I turned around slowly and his and my eyes met and it was just perfect. I could remember him from any where. He was my best friend all through high school and we were honestly inseparable, everyone though we were gonna get together and stay together but we never actually got together. I don’t understand why we were so close and act so much like a couple, but back to the story. I ran up and hugged him my arms wrapping around his neck, i was acting like a teenager who found her long lost love not like the mother of two kids that I was. I quickly pulled away and forced a smile on my face. ‘I h-have to g-go’ I said and ran out the door quickly not looking back at what I was honestly leaving behind. My heart shattered that day and I never thought I would find him again. Many years passed by and there was no word from him and I figured he didn’t want anything to do with me. By then your father was about 6 and your aunt was 10. I was working part time at Walmart it was just a job that I had to keep paying the bills. I was working one day and heard his voice and I looked around but couldn’t find him. So I went back to work and tried to get him off my mind, but I heard it again. I went to step down from the ladder I was on but missed the step and fell. From there I blacked out. When I woke up in the hospital I saw what looked like billion bouquets of flowers some were pink some were purple some were yellow some were blue it was a sea of colors. I even had a few stuffed animals and a ton of get well cards. I looked to my right and to my surprise he was there, sleeping peacefully. I ran my fingertips over his cheek lightly trying not to wake him but he woke up immediately. ‘Y-You're up!’ his voice rang out and I laughed and nodded. He cared for me enough to be at my side and that's kind of how it's always been.” She stopped talking and smiled, I looked over in the direction that she was look and there my grandfather stood. They were perfect together. I would love them till the end of time.

The author's comments:

Just a love story no one would believe 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 29 2016 at 4:11 pm
Dameon_Farris PLATINUM, Folton, District Of Columbia
20 articles 2 photos 78 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree. It will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Eistiene

Great story and it was amazing just remember to indent or press return were necessary when it's all clustered together like that it makes it a little hard for the readers to read but besides that it was an amazing heart wrenching story and great job