The Dance | Teen Ink

The Dance

February 11, 2016
By Anonymous

Chapter 1

Alle Harp was a normal sixteen year old girl just entering junior high, she was older for her class, (she is almost seventeen already) although she wasn’t to smart. Her best friends, Kate Donley and Emma Turner were her friends that would stand by her through it all, especially when Riptide entered the halls of Quincey Adams High school. Riptide was a group of eight, four girls four guys. Almost everyone in the school hated them. On the other hand the principal of this high school was the dad of the queen bee, the leader of Riptide. Her name was Olivia Adams. She was rude and selfish. She begged for anything, and her dad would spend the money for her, since she was an only child anyway. Molly is Alle’s annoying seven year old little sister. She was always talking to Alle’s friends and being embarrassing to call a little sister, but Alle wouldn’t dare to say that to her or her mom because Molly would just tell, then Alle would get  into trouble. Alle doesn’t need trouble right now, that wouldn’t be a good way to start off the school year. Then there is Jacob, Alle’s annoying little eight year old brother. He seems to do the same stuff as Molly, talking to Alle’s friends and being embarrassing to call him her little brother. Anyway the next week was school and she needed to focus on it and getting ready.

It was the first day of school and Alle wasn’t all that frightened. She knew that her bestie’s Kate and Emma would be there so that made her feel better. When she burst her first step into junior high she could feel that this school year was gonna be a great one. She finally found her friends standing in the cafe waiting for her to arrive at the school. This school was not all that big, but was still pretty good sized for a high school. She found her two friends and gave them gigantic hugs. Kate blurted out, “OMG where have you been we have been here for like ten minutes!”  “Sorry my dad couldn’t get the engine started on the ol’ truck.” Alle admitted. “It’s fine! Anyways are you excited for the annual Homecoming dance? Because there is a hottie at eight o'clock checking you out. Apparently his name is Jake Breckenridge.” Emma added. “You should totally go with him to the Homecoming dance!” Kate said. At that moment the five minute bell rang. And they all said bye and headed for their classes.

At last the three-thirty bell rang and everyone was dismissed from their classes. Emma, Kate, and Alle headed to their lockers grabbed their stuff, but on the way Alle tripped and fell into the arms of Jake Breckenridge. It was an awkward moment at first, but then it became like it was meant to be. Staring at his gorgeous icy blue eyes wasn’t all that bad.


Chapter 2

“Hi, I’m Jake Breckenridge.” “Hi I’m Alle, I’m sorry I’m really clumsy.” “You're good.” Then Colton Waters and Peyton Meyer walked up, so Kate and Emma decided to walk up at the sight of gorgeous. Kate immediately said, “Hi” to Colton and Peyton, but more to Peyton. She had thought about going to the Homecoming dance with him, and totally spaced out. “Sooo, do you guys want to come to our football game tonight?” “Ummm, sure.” “Ok see you there I guess.”  “Ok see you there.” Alle replied.

At the football game Alle, Emma, and Kate looked for their friends. Finally Emma spotted them warming up. Jake’s number was sixty, Colton’s number was fifty-four, and Peyton’s number was sixty-seven. Emma spotted them when she saw the three cutest guys on the team. The girls found a spot in the front of the field on the bleachers. They plopped themselves down on the uncomfortable bleachers. Behind them, they could see that Olivia Adams was there with her ‘In Like’ friend Kyle Merror. “Why would she come if Kyle isn’t playing?” Kate wondered. “Maybe for the spirit of the school.” Emma said with a disgusted tone.

Then out of the corner of Alle’s eye she could see Jacob, Molly, and her parents walking towards them. Alle got up and said, “Be right back.” Alle walked up to her parents. “What are you guys doing here?” With kind of a nervous tone. She didn’t want them to be there because she wouldn’t want Molly going and telling everyone at school about how she was ‘staring at Jake.’ She didn’t need that going around the school. “We're here for the school spirit honey.” Her mom affirmed Alle. “Mom were going to the park to play.” Jacob told. “Ok, have fun, be back soon to check in.” “Ok.” “So how was the first day of school?” Dad asked. “Good, I’m sitting over there if you need anything. But if you do need anything just text me.” “Um ok, have fun.” “Trust me I will.”

When Alle got back to her seat she told Emma and Kate why her parents were there. Then she heard the whistle from the referee and got shivers down her spine, she got super excited for the game. Her first high school football game. A really cute guy. Two awesome best friends. But the only thing was Riptide.

Chapter 3

It was a Tuesday, the second day of school. “BEEP BEEP BEEP” Alle’s alarm went off. She woke and hopped into the shower. After the shower she picked out her cutest outfit and put it on. Then after breakfast and last minute things like brushing her teeth she got in the car. When they finally got to the school she said bye to her dad and went inside to find her best friends standing there waiting for her. She saw Olivia give her a death glare when she walked into the school, but she ignored it. “Hey girl!” “Hi girls!” “By the way Jake started staring at you the minute you walked into this school.” Emma commented. “Whatever, where are Colton and Peyton, huh?” “No where.” Kate said embarrassed. The five minute bell rang so they said bye and then started to rush to their next class.

After the three-thirty bell rang it was like a breath of relief at the sound, because she was in Math at the moment, soooo. She finally found her friends in all that chaos. “Hey how was Math?” Emma asked. “Not good. We have so much homework in that class all the time! But I don’t think she knows that.” “How was English?” “Good, you get to write a story about either a creepy picture of an old pitiful house or a boat falling out of a picture, or both.” “Oh yeah, I had that class earlier, I chose the creepy picture of the old pitiful house.” “Hey want to go to Starbucks with the boys? I got Jake’s number last night.” Alle announced. “Sure!” They both said. “Ok. I will text Jake.”

After Alle texted Jake, they headed towards Starbucks. She felt her phone buzz. She pulled it out and read who it was from, it was Jake. The text said, “Sure! Be there in a couple minutes.” When the guys finally got there they ordered their drinks then sat down. Alle sat with Jake, Emma sat with Colton, and Kate sat with Peyton. They all seemed to like each other. Their names got called to go get their drinks so the boys got up and got their drinks. Afterwards they talked some more. Before they all had to leave, Jake stopped Alle and said, “I had fun hanging out with you.” “Yeah me too.” “You want to hangout with some friends this weekend at my house?” Jake asked. “I would love to, but let me check with my mom that it is ok and I will text you.” “Ok.”

After the whole week flew by, Alle was almost ready to leave for Jake’s house. She grabbed her iPhone, car keys, and lipgloss. She was ready to go. She drove her Red Jeep Renegade over to his house. When she got there she realized, ”OMG this guy is rich.” She could see that he had a lot of money. He had a monstrous house with, one white brand new GMC truck, and one of those brand new GMC Denalis. She pulled up right next to Kate and Emma’s cars, but she saw one car she didn’t recognize. A blue mustang. It looked like a diva car. Like maybe…. OH, NO! It was probably Olivia Adams car.

She went and rang the doorbell of his house and his mom answered the door. “ Hi hon, they are all downstairs.” She said. “ Ok. Thanks.” Alle went downstairs and suddenly she saw, Jake, Colton, Peyton, Emma, Kate, and surely, standing there, was Olivia Adams. “ Hi everyone.” Alle said kind of shaky. “ Hi there.” Jake replied. He gave Alle a hug, and Olivia squinted. After a very awkward hangout Jake’s mom finally made them leave. But suddenly Jake stopped Alle. He asked if she wanted to stay for dinner. She said, “Sure. It’s the weekend.” But when they went back inside there was a big sign that said, “Would you kick it with me at Homecoming?” It made sense because Alle played soccer. “Are you serious?” “Yeah. I know that we kind of just met, but I think it would be cool to go with you.” “Yes!” They hugged and it seemed less awkward.

After some amazing dinner, she stayed for a movie. They were watching the movie Harry Potter. Then after the movie, they went outside. She unfortunately had to go home. “Thank you so much for the amazing dinner and the really good movie.” “ Yeah sure thing, bye.” “Bye.” Alle got into her car and started it. As she drove away she could see that Jake was watching her as she drove off. She now wished that she didn’t have to go, but her parents were probably wondering where she was. As she was pulling into her driveway and parked her car, she realized that Kate and Emma didn’t know that she got asked. She texted them everything that had happened.

Chapter 4

After she did that, she got ready for bed. She brushed her teeth and put on her favorite p.j.’s and got in bed. She heard her phone buzz, then gazed at it. It was Kate and Emma. They both had said something like, “OMG, that is really adorable!” Or “Awwww!” They were the kind of people who aren’t jealous, Alle was also really happy because he didn’t ask Olivia to Homecoming. She texted them back and said, “Thanks guys. I think Peyton and Colton are going to ask you guys sometime this week. Anyways, gotta go to bed. See you tomorrow. Love ya! Goodnight!” “Goodnight!” They both responded.

It was Monday. Alle woke up and got ready. She went down the stairs and ate her nutritious eggs and toast, and got in the car. “So, my friends sister, Emma, was telling her mom what happened and she said that you fell into Jake’s arms the other day?” Her sister said kind of questioned. “I did not! And how did she hear that anyway?” Alle said curiously. “She said she overheard them talking about it.” Just great, now her little sister knew about Jake. “We're gonna be late. Dad!” Alle addressed. When she got to school she scurried off to find her friends before Molly and Jacob could follow. “Emma?!” Alle said kind of loud. “What?” Emma looked fearfully at Alle. “Your little sister, who happened to be in my little sister’s class, overheard you talking to your mom, and she said to Molly that I fell into the arms of Jake, so now she knows about me and Jake.” “Oh. I didn’t know she was eavesdropping on us. I’m sorry.” “I guess it’s ok because I guess she already knew that me and him like each other because he asked me to homecoming, and I said yes.”

After class was over, Alle, Emma, and Kate decided to got to Starbucks and study together, then afterward they thought they could all go dress shopping for Alle. “Oh! Look at this one.” Kate said looking at a beautiful, long, strapless, darker purple dress. “Oh! Oh! Or this one!” Emma said pointing and running towards a shorter, strapless teal dress. Alle was looking for a dress a little longer than the thigh or one down to her feet. Either light purple, dark purple, or a really pretty blue, such as teal, strapless. “Out of the three I think this one is the prettiest.” Alle said. The dress was an ocean blue color, strapless, long dress and just her size. Alle decided to try the dress on. “It fits perfectly.” The store’s clerk admired. “I think this one is the one. Homecoming is in about one and a half weeks away so it’s a good thing that I found a dress.”

It was Tuesday, and she was sitting through English. (The last subject before lunch) “Tick tick tick!” Mrs. Greyburry announced as our time for the five minute beat the clock paragraph was running out. She was one of the “get it done” kind of person. “Ding Ding Ding!” The lunch bell rang and all of us shut our writing journals and began packing up. “Your homework is to set a timer and finish that! Set the timer for another five minutes and get it done. Have a good day class.” Mrs. Greyburry said. At lunch Alle heard a strange sound outside. Like the sound of big trucks. “Vroom! Vroom!” She decided to go out there and see what was going on. When she got outside she could see that Kate was getting asked to Homecoming! By Peyton! There was a Blue, White, and Red truck, the red one is Jake’s. Peyton was standing in the last truck, with bloody red roses. “Homecoming?” Peyton asked Kate. “Yes! I’d love to.” Now Emma though, Alle was saying inside her head, I need to talk to that Colton guy so that he will ask her to Homecoming.

The next day at school, Wednesday, Alle decided to go find Colton instead of her friends. “Hi? Colton?” Alle said kind of shaky. “Uh, Hey Alle. What’s up?” Colton replied. “Well, so you know my friend Emma, right?” “Uh, yeah, why?” Colton said while he was kind of blushing. “Well, are you going to ask her to homecoming or not, because she is probably going to get asked by someone soon.” Alle just blurted out. “I want to ask her, but I just don’t know how.” “You guys both have jeep wranglers, you could do something based off of that.” Alle said. “That’s a good idea, but what do I say? Wait what if I got window markers, and wrote something on her jeep?” “Ok, yeah, but what to say, what to say. Here, I will think about it and let’s meet up after school.” “Ok.”

“Hey, meet me at Barnes and Noble.” Alle texted Colton after math. “Ok.” He replied right back. When they both got to Barnes and Noble they sat down and thought about what they could say on Emma’s jeep. “What if, I thought of this earlier, what if you said, well you know she just lifted her jeep right?” Alle asked. “Yeah?” Colton responded in a questioned tone. “Well you could say something like, Since you lifted your jeep, will you lift my heart and go to homecoming with me?” Alle said. “That’s perfect! And I could sit on the hood of her jeep holding flowers!” Colton suddenly got super excited. “Yeah! And we could do it tonight at the park by her house? Does that work?” Alle said. “Yeah, probably around seven o’clock, I have Baseball until six o’clock, so that would give me enough time to shower. Meet you at the park then.” “Ok. Then it’s settled. See you then.” But there was one more thing Alle had realized after they both left and went their separate ways. How were they going to luyer Emma to the park?

Chapter 5

It was almost time for Alle to direct Colton to the park on her bike. “Mom!! I will be back in about an hour, k?” “Ok, have fun.” She raced to get her bike out of the garage. She biked down the street. To the left, then right, then left again, then on the right was the park. She parked her bike and got off, then she helped Colton get everything ready, but there still was the question… How were they going to luyer her to the park?

“I got it!” Alle Blurted out. “Her dad could say that they are going for a drive in his car to get ice cream, or something. I have his phone number, I could call him.” “Yeah, do that.” Colton said, getting excited. “Ok.” So Alle called Mr. Turner and he said he would as soon as he got home from work, and he also said he was close. When Mr. Turner got home he told Mrs. Turner to tell Emma to clean up a little. So Emma did, suspiciously, she went to go throw on some jeans and a t-shirt. When she got done she came downstairs. “Are you ready?” Mr. Turner asked Emma. “Yeah, where are we going?” “Were thinking, stop by Chloe’s house and ask if she wants to go with us, and then, head to Freddy’s.” Since Chloe’s house is in the neighborhood, right by the park, it was perfect.

Emma shut the car door and off they went. When they got closer and closer to the park Mr. Turner and Mrs. Turner started to laugh a little. When the park was visible, Alle saw her jeep, she got shivers down her spine when she saw that on her jeep it said, since you lifted your jeep, will you lift my heart and go to homecoming with me. Alle got out of the car and saw Colton sitting on the hood of her jeep with flowers. “Since you lifted your jeep will you lift my heart and go to homecoming with me?” Colton repeated. “Yes!” Emma said. Homecoming here we come.

Chapter 6

It was the night of homecoming and Alle, Emma, and Kate were getting super excited. Alle had her ocean blue, strapless, to the floor dress on. Emma had her violet purple, thigh short dress on. Kate had her bulging bright red knee short dress on. “Ding Dong” The doorbell rang and Alle peaked out her window, all three boys were standing in the crisp apple air outside. Alle, Emma, and Kate went to get the door. “Hey.” Alle said with a scratched throat. She cleared her throat. “Hey, ready?” “Yep, we're all ready.” Alle, Emma, and Kate all got in the boy's cars.

When they got there, they all got out of their cars. The dance was at the school, in the gym. When they got in there, there was blasting music, tropical blue fruit punch, a chocolate fountain with strawberries on the side, bright rainbow colored lights, and a lot a people on the dance floor. Right away, Kate said, “Let’s hit the dance floor.” “Ok.” Peyton said. “Want to go too?” Emma asked Colton. “Sure.” Colton replied. “May I have this dance, my lady?” Jake said bending over with his hand out. Alle took his hand and said, “Yes, you may.” They all went to the dance floor and had the time of their lives.

Alle, Emma, and Kate spotted Riptide by the food table. But they didn’t even care anymore. This night was not about to be spoiled by a bunch of jerks and brats. “Look at her dance moves.” Olivia Adams said laughing and pointing at Alle. “Hey! Back off!” Jake said, protecting Alle. “Yeah, and don’t even think about making fun of my marvelous date!” Colton said, looking at Olivia. Emma blushed. “Just leave already Riptide! No one wants you here anyway!” Peyton said looking at the whole group. Right then, the whole group of eight left at once, with death glares on each and everyone of their faces, except on Olivia’s and Kyle’s. But everyone was glaring at Olivia and Kyle not them.

“Want some punch?” Colton asked handing Emma a plastic cup full of beaming blue punch. “Sure, thanks.” Emma said. “I’m having a lot of fun.” Kate told Peyton. “Me too.” It was a night none of them would forget. Alle laughed at Jake when the “Chicken Dance” song came on. “What? Am I bad or something?” Jake said laughing himself. “Haha, psshhh, no.”  Alle responded. The spotlight went onto the six friends, while they danced to the last slow song of the night.

At the end of the dance Alle said to Jake, “Thank you so much for tonight. It’s a night I will never ever forget. “ “Thank you.” Alle said right back. Right then, Jake leaned toward Alle and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Alle blushed. “Ready to go?” Jake said. “Yeah.” Alle said with red cheeks. When Alle got home, she went up to her room, to report this to her diary, “Dear diary, Guess what just happened…”


The End.



The author's comments:

I wrote this piece in my Creative Writing mini-course.  The amazing Mrs. Romey inspired me....she's truly the best teacher I've ever known.  I shower her often with gifts, money, and Starbucks cards!  She deserves every bit of it!

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This article has 2 comments.

Sierra4888 said...
on Feb. 18 2016 at 12:36 am
I enjoyed this a lot, your writing style is similar to mine. The only thing I would change is organization and flow, it seemed to jump from place to place.

Leela21 GOLD said...
on Feb. 15 2016 at 9:17 pm
Leela21 GOLD, Novato, California
14 articles 1 photo 11 comments
kinda all over the place