To Love is To Be Loved | Teen Ink

To Love is To Be Loved

October 10, 2016
By Mbruss32 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Mbruss32 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is a fact that pain is inevitable. I always thought that meant that pain was physically unavoidable, but I was never told that emotional damage was a part of it too. Although, we are all stuck in a taboo. Every human experiences pain from the moment they are born where in their mother’s arms they lie, until the moment they lay in a pile of roses to die. It may not always be the physical things all the time because sometimes thoughts that lurk in our minds can cause crime. Although, I have learned that the pain of watching a sad love story on the TV screen does not compare to the pain of a heartbreak caused by that one boy when you were seventeen. Nobody warned me that having a big heart can be a bad thing, and nobody told me that being in love isn’t always a good thing. This here leads me to where I am now because all things broken were once a vow.

There is always a choice as to which kind of pain you choose. You can either surround yourself with bodies or be by yourself and break loose. Other bodies cause the puzzle to break into pieces, and that is why I decided to be by myself and fix the creases. Everyone has different reasons as to why they are broken, and mine is a reason that is not easily spoken. My loneliness was decided after I lost the boy because nonetheless he treated me like a toy. Despite all of the dates and the giggles, I was eventually lead to the weights and some signals. Some say it’s impossible for your heart to skip a beat, but I’m sure mine did the first time I saw him on the street. That’s when I knew this was all unhealthy, and it came to a point where I had to be stealthy. To love someone else, you must love yourself first, and that I did not do, which brought out my worst. This here leads me to what I do now because in order to be alone loving myself is something I need to allow.

There are many ways that pain can be cured. You can either ignore it or find another way to make sure it’s secured. I have to love myself in order to make it go away, and with no other way, I decided to sit down and pray. Love is an emotion of affection and devotion, and to find that I turned to faith with no other notion. While kneeling on my knees with my fingers intertwined, I looked to the stars and kept God’s love for me in my mind. It’s kind of ironic because, like I said before, you have to love yourself without the love of someone else in store. Although, faith is a funny thing, implying that God’s love never fails, because even though we don’t love ourselves which he created, there is never a time which we are hated. While I was lost and pain was biting, I was oblivious to look for the cure that I kept fighting. With prayers and extended faith, the pain of my heartbreak was mended by the love of God   that never will quake. This here leads me to where I am now because loving myself allows other people to love me somehow.

Pain is an ongoing cycle that keeps coming back around, and a choice has to be made to not let pain always bring you down. I let my pain take over me, so I kicked it to the curb and realized that trying to avoid pain is absurd. Pain is inevitable and it demands to be felt, so I decided to let loose, but kept a tight belt. The pieces to my puzzle have finally been mended, but I took it apart because I realized being in love can be splendid. Love is passionate and kind, so I wanted to let go and lose my mind. Fear is an unpleasant emotion likely to cause pain, so I decided not to be afraid and avoided being in vain.  I believe you can not truly be in love until you love yourself first, so I let love in and let all the feelings burst.  This here leads me to who I am now because falling in love is the reason I love myself… wow.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece by seeing the daily struggle of teenagers going through things they can not explain. I hope people gain a sense of who they are and who they want to be through reading this piece. 

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