A true love | Teen Ink

A true love

December 9, 2016
By Anonymous

On August 1, 2003 a girl named Lizzy lived in Nashville, Tennessee. She was 6 years old and she lived in a small, county neighborhood. Three doors down there was a guy that was 7 years old. His name is Danny. Danny and Lizzy were best friends. Danny and Lizzy were always hanging out together and exploring the neighborhood. December 1, 2013, Lizzy and her family moved to Kansas.
When Lizzy turned 23 she moved back to Tennessee and lived in the same neighborhood she did when she was growing up. Danny still lived in the same house he did when he was growing up. Danny saw Lizzy moving in; he was so happy to see her. Danny walks over to Lizzy’s house to say hi.
“Hey Lizzy” Danny says
“Oh! Oh my goodness, hey Danny” Lizzy says
“How are you” Danny says
“I am good and you” Lizzy says
“I am good. Would you like to go to dinner and get caught up” Danny asks shyly.
“Yes, I would love to” Lizzy says
“Great, I’ll see you at 8:00” Danny says
Lizzy is so happy to get to eat dinner with Danny. Lizzy puts her nice pair of blue jeans and her nicest shirt on. She Does her make-up, and does her hair so nicely. Danny wears his nice jeans and his really nice button down shirt. Danny walks over and knocks on her door. Lizzy opens the door, and she sees Danny standing there. She cannot help but smile when she sees him. Danny looks at Lizzy, he smiles, and he gets so happy. They get in Danny’s black 2015 4x4 ford pick-up truck. They are going to Long Horn Steakhouse for dinner and they have the radio on listening to country music. It was silent but then the song Eight Second Ride came on; Lizzy turned up the radio and started singing with the radio.   Danny looked at her and smiled. Danny and Lizzy talked all the way through the dinner.
Lizzy gets a job as a farm helper. Lizzy works as a horse trainer because she has worked around horses all her life. One day she got a text from Danny and it says “can we hang out today, I want you to meet some people.” Lizzy says” yes, I get off in 30 minutes.”   Lizzy goes to her house and she gets ready.  When she goes with Danny, she meets his younger sister and his younger brother. Lizzy also gets to see Danny’s parents. Lizzy was so happy to see Danny’s parents; they talked and had so much fun. As time passed, Lizzy’s birthday drew near.
One morning Lizzy gets a call from a multimillion dollar horse barn.
“Hi, I’m Brad. I own a horse barn. I was given your name from friends in Kansas. I would like for you to work for me”
“Hi Brad, I would love to meet with you and discuss the details.”
“That’s great Lizzy, I will buy you a plane ticket”
“A plane ticket?” Lizzy said. “Where are you located?”
“Yes ma’am. I am located in Casper, Wyoming. Is there a problem?” Brad says
“I don’t know. Can I think about this job and let you know in a few days?” Lizzy says
“Yes ma’am you can” Brad says
Lizzy called Danny and said “Danny we need to talk.”
“Okay, I will be over at your house in minutes.”
Danny walks over to Lizzy’s house and he knocks on the door. Lizzy walks over to the door and opens it.
“Lizzy what’s wrong?” Danny asks
“Sit down Danny” Lizzy says. Danny sits down with worry in his dark blue eyes.
“Danny I just got offered a job to work at a horse barn in a different state”
“Really Lizzy that’s great, I guess”
“Danny I want you to know I am in love with you. I don’t want to leave you again” Lizzy says
“Lizzy, I love you to; I don’t wanna lose you either, but this is a great opportunity” Danny says
  “Danny thank you.” Danny smiles and goes home. Lizzy called Brad and she said yes.
Three weeks later Lizzy is working at the new barn learning the ropes. Lizzy really misses Danny and can’t stop thinking about him. She is doing great at this new horse barn, and she is getting a nice paycheck but she is not happy. Christmas is in two weeks and she has decided to quite this horse barn. She called Danny’s parents and talked to them about everything. She made the choice to go back and be with Danny for Christmas. She called her boss and when she moves back she will go back to working there at the barn. Lizzy wants to keep this a secret for Danny.
Finally Christmas is here and Lizzy thought it would never get here. She is on the plane and is on her way to Tennessee. Danny and his family all went out to eat and hang out before they unwrapped gifts and everything. Danny seemed really sad.
“What’s wrong hun” Danny’s mom asked.
“Nothing mom, I am just missing Lizzy.” Danny’s mom looks at him sadly. Then all of a sudden Danny here’s a knock on the door. Danny went to go check on the door, and Lizzy came in the back door. Lizzy sat down in a chair and when Danny came back he saw Lizzy sitting there. He was so happy he gave her a big hug. Danny looks at Lizzy and asks “When are you going back”?
“What do you mean going back?” Lizzy asks.
“Well Lizzy don’t you have a job?” Danny asks.
“No, I quit” Lizzy says.
“Why?” Danny asks.
“Because I wanted to be here with you. I am not happy unless I am with you and it has been that way for a while” Lizzy says. Danny smiles and says “I love you too.”   
Three years later Danny asks Lizzy to go hang out with him. Lizzy says yes that would be great. Danny says okay I’ll pick you up at 8 sharp. So all day Danny has been planning this perfectly. At 7:00 Lizzy puts on her dark blue tight skinny jeans and her black shirt that ties in the front. Lizzy straightens her hair and does her make-up. Lizzy puts on her black cowgirl boots. Right at 8:00 Danny knocks on Lizzy’s door and Lizzy yells come in. Danny walks in and looks around. Lizzy walks out and smiles. Danny looks at her in awe and smiles. Danny and Lizzy goes to his truck and plays the country music. Lizzy starts dancing and smiles. Danny smiles and thinks about the past when they were kids. When they arrive to the rodeo, Lizzy smiles and Danny holds her hand as they walk inside. Half way through the rodeo Danny leaves, after a while he walks to the middle of the arena, gets on one knee, and says “Lizzy Leeann Wonser will you marry me?” Lizzy got up jumping over the fence and says “Yes I’ll marry you.” Danny smiles, picks her up and yells “she said yes”. Finally they went back up to their seats and watched the rest of the rodeo.
After a year on planning the wedding the big day was here. Lizzy wore a white wedding dress and cowgirl boots. Lizzy’s hair was up and her make-up was done. Danny is in a black tuxedo and black cowboy boots. As Lizzy walks down, Danny starts to cry. Lizzy smiles and cries a little. When it’s time to give the ring, Danny pulls out a ring with diamonds. Lizzy gives him a wedding band. After the wedding they all lived happily ever after, of Couse, until they had kids.
The End

The author's comments:

I had fun writing it. 

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