The thing that took my back | Teen Ink

The thing that took my back

November 19, 2018
By Anonymous

My brother and I were shifting through things in our basement looking for my easy bake oven. We were bored and needed something to do and we were hungry; which I might add we both don’t know how to use a real oven, so we thought we could kill two birds with one stone. Our  basement was a mess but we found what we were looking for, but of course it was on the top shelf surrounded by crap. I volunteered to climb because I had the longest arms so maybe I didn’t have to go as high. Well I was wrong I had my fingertips on the easy bake oven but before I could grab it the pile of crap beneath me collapsed taking me with it. I got up brushed myself off and then looked at my brother in disappointment.  We decided to give up on the easy bake oven and find something else. While rummaging through the pile that fell, we found an old toy that looked cool. We picked it up and took it upstairs with us. It looked like a puzzle, shaped in a cylinder, where you had to twist it to unlock. Man that thing sure did keep us busy though. We tried to crack it all night; still with no luck we decided to set it down and work on it tomorrow. I took the puzzle to my room to continue working on it but ended up setting the contraption down, turning over falling into a deep sleep. Once fast asleep I rolled over and knocked the old toy off the bed making it roll across the floor. It started to glow then, this sudden bright light woke me. My scream made my brother enter my room. The next thing we knew we were in a new world.

We looked around confused and realized we shrunk. We were children, I was about 5 years old and my brother was about 2. So confused we started to look around realizing we were no longer in our own era. In a room we found our self with a nanny, then around the corner came a women wearing a yellow dress that didn't have a collar, and a coat that buttoned with one large button at the top, a white pillbox hat, low heels and had perfectly perfect accessories. I could recognize her by her fashion that was the iconic Mrs. Jackie Kennedy. Throughout my entire life she had been an idol to me and here she stood in front of me speaking. She said “come on my darling let me help you get dressed we have a big day ahead of ourselves, We are going to the

Loudoun hunt horse show and then we have to plan what we are going to do for your father’s birthday that is coming up”.  Was she talking to me? When I looked in the mirror I realized that I was Caroline Kennedy and my brother was JFK Jr. He was wearing a sailor looking outfit with fit loose fitted baby blue shorts, a baby blue button down jacket with white collar, white high socks and a newsboy gatsby baby blue hat. On my bed there laid a striped dress with a bright pink coat that had three white bottoms and a collar, tall white socks and matching pink flats. These were the most trendy clothes and I was the most trendy five year old at the time. How did this happen, when I went to sleep the night before I was myself, woke up to a flash of light and now I’m five. How could I inhabit someone else's body and keep my own mind. I was a seventeen year old in a five year old body which just happened to be the daughter of the United States of America. Where did the real Caroline and JFK Jr. go? All these thoughts circled in my head while my new found mother dressed me. The next thing I knew, I turned around to the the man himself, John F. Kennedy. He was wearing a navy blue blazer with navy blue slacks. He had a white shirt, a baby blue tie with stripes,black shoes and a black overcoat. He was his saying goodbyes; firstly by picking up my brother and giving him a goodbye kiss. Then he shifted across the room and kissed the top of my head. After saying goodbye to his wife I say “daddy where are you going? Can I come too?”  It was quite strange even though I have a seventeen year old mind I can’t talk intelligently but more like a five year old. He replied no, that he was going to a meeting for the Democratic party and he had to deal with business tonight. Something with that sentence and that Mrs. Kennedy had said something about a birthday made me realize that this would be the day Marilyn Monroe would sing happy birthday to him in a provocative way. I knew this but I couldn't express it.

My sister screamed, I ran into her room to see a bright light. I’m taken back from it and go into a state of confusion. I wake up in a  strange town, not knowing anyone around me. I was standing in an A&P grocery store. I was behind the counter of the meat department like I always am, but this wasn’t my normal job. I was wearing a striped hat, one that looks like one kids in 2018 make out of paper, a white t-shirt and a white apron. I turned around in a circle admiring the equipment around me, there was self grinders other boys working and women at the counter picking up their weekly meats. I still felt like I was hallucinating, all I could hear was laughter, chatting, moms telling kids to behave. I felt like I was in a haze. I excused myself and made my way to the bathroom. Somehow I knew exactly where that was. What was going on? I saw two seperate bathrooms one was for colored people and the other for whites. I walked into the white bathroom and splashed ice cold water on my face. I stared at myself for a good two minutes. I was the same old guy. Twenty-five years old, pale skin, glasses, light brown hair, green eyes and scruffy beard. Where was I, I knew I wasn’t in 2018 anymore. So I walked out of the bathroom turning the corner to find a newspaper with the date at the top it said May 19,1962. I stood there for a minute trying to process what was going on around me. I had traveled through time. Well if that bright light brought me here then my sister must be somewhere here too. I need to find her we need to go back, we have responsibilities. Especially she is my responsibility and if anything ever happened to her I might die. I left the grocery store in search of my sister and I wasn’t going to stop looking until I found her.

When saying my goodbyes to my family, Caroline asked me to come along. I had to decline her offer. Oh do I wish I could spend more time with my children, I’m afraid I’m going to miss them growing up. I mean Caroline is already five and John is two. I get into the car with my driver Bobby. There are three other cars traveling with us tonight. We take at least four cars so people don’t exactly know which car I’m in; just for safety reasons. We arrive in Madison Square Garden and I go in expecting the usual fundraising gala we have for the Democratic party. To my suprise Marilyn Monroe came to sing for us. It was ten days before my actual birthday, so when I found out she was going to sing happy birthday to me I felt very fortunate. She came onto stage in a sleek nude color dress that hugged every curve of her body just right. She sang happy birthday to me with a new light. Some called it sultary but I thought it was just very sweet. After she was finished I walked up on stage and said "I can now retire from politics after having had Happy Birthday sung to me in such a sweet, wholesome way" (JFK). After the night was over I was soon taken back to the White House anticipating to see my family. Well once I arrived home the children were asleep and so was my beautiful wife. Being resident has its perks but at times it can make a man feel lonely. So I crawl upstairs changing into my pajamas and made my way over to my bed, falling fast asleep thinking about the night I had.

We went to the Loudon Hunt Horse show, and I have to say that I had an amazing time. I mean I got to hang out with the Mrs. Kennedy, who was mom for now. We did all cool things like horse races, we watched them go through obstacles course and just simply watched them prace around. I didn’t think horses could be that fun. I didn't want the day to end but it did and way to fast I might add. What I really found peculier was that every time I talked to my brother he never answered me. I assumed it was just because he was now in a two year old body and couldn’t talk. We arrive back at the white house and John and I are escorted to our rooms where we get our baths and changed for bed. All of this was done by a nanny because my new mom had some work things to do. I was okay with that because she still came and gave me a goodnight kiss and sang my an old nursery song i’ve never heard before. I fell fast asleep wishing I could be Caroline for real, and then the  next thing I knew I was back in my regular body in the year 2018. I was a little sad but I still got one good experience from all of this.

I walked around looking for my sister all night, with no luck I call it a night hoping with a good night's rest I would be more alert on my search to find her. I somehow found my way to my apartment I didn't even know I had. I fell asleep thinking maybe she didn’t even time travel. I told myself that everything would be solved tomorrow so I went to sleep. The next thing I knew I woke up in my own bed. I jumped up running into my sister bedroom to make sure she was there. To my luck she was. I said “ Oh my I‘ve been so worried where did you go”. She answered “Boy do I have one wild story for you”.

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