Be Our Guest, Belle | Teen Ink

Be Our Guest, Belle

December 2, 2018
By Anonymous

Once upon a cold, dark night, I sat in my dreary drawer with nothing but dust in my line of sight

I heard the doors open and in came a girl with dark hair and skin as white as the prettiest pearl

She pulled me out to pour herself some tea, so I helped her gleefully

While she sipped out my cup, I said, “drink up, drink up”

Little did she know, I could say hellos and goodbyes, so she dropped me with fear in her eyes

I made a noise barely louder than a mouse’s would be, but she still came to help me

She was so in awe that she could say nothing and stood there quietly blushing

Finally she asked if she could pick me up, and I told her I only wanted her to “drink up, drink up”

Then my master came out of the dark hall; he was easily the most fearsome creature of all

The girl named Belle saw his massive size and looked up at him with terror in her pretty eyes

However I knew Belle was so wise that she would come to see the man behind the disguise

While he petted the carpet that acted like a pup he demanded for Belle to, “drink up, drink up”

Momma came out to help Belle feel at ease and when offered food she replied “yes please!”

While eating her crumpets, Belle heard the start of trumpets

Dishes began dancing and performing their act and Belle loved it that’s a fact

Finally, they gave her champagne in me, the teacup,  and said “drink up, drink up”

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