Greek myths | Teen Ink

Greek myths

January 22, 2019
By seabrease03 BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
seabrease03 BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Prometheus was one of the Titans, who at some point were sent to Tartarus by the enraged Zeus who didn’t accept the Titans’s fighting against him in the famous Battle of the Titans Titanomachy. However, Prometheus was not directly involved in the war, so Zeus saved him from Tartarus and gave him a mission to form a man from water and earth. Prometheus accomplished the task, but while working on his creation, he grew fond of men. He didn’t care much ever about the Gods and their hierarchy, and however friendly treated by them, he was much more comfortable being around the immortals. In any case, Zeus’s idea was not to have men with any unusual power. But Prometheus was thinking the other way and decided to steal one of the powers Zeus was particularly sensitive about fire.

Thinking about stealing fire was easy, but it finally proved a bit more complicated. Prometheus, known for his wit and intelligence, had an immediate plan to trick the goddesses throwing them a golden pear into the courthouse. Zeus wanted Prometheus to carry a reminder of his punishment forever he ordered Prometheus to make a steel ring from the chains he was in and wear that ring from then on.

          Zeus released Prometheus From his prison that was supposed to hold him until the end of times and Zeus only released Prometheus because Zeus was told there would be a reign or a thousand sevenfold released upon the mortals and Zeus needed to protect them so he released Prometheus so he could fight with him but Prometheus only went on to stab Zeus in the back and work with the demons released upon from the underworld but Zeus asked help from Gaia the titan of mother earth herself and he also got help from Poseidon, Hermes, Apollo, Ares, Uranus, and Kratos. After a month of the gods waiting for this war.

 They assumed they were unbeatable and went into this fight all lousy and they realized they needed to put effort into this fight when even the god of war himself has gotten hurt very badly and his guts were hanging out but Apollo healed him and fixed him up and he went out into the war and took out most the demons then kratos the demigod disappeared in the crowd of demons and Zeus looked over and heard Kratos yell and all of a sudden there was a army of Spartans around him poking the demons with spears and shield bashing them and they disappeared when they were defeated and Apollo brought out the sun and brought down a long beam of light and burned most the demons and Poseidon released a tsunami upon the lands unknowingly taking Kratos with it but Kratos caught himself, busted out and slammed his blades of chaos on the ground and blasted back all the demons.

Gaia tied up the demons with vines and weeds while Zeus came in and threw his lightnings bolts at them and Hermes went on to trick the demons while Uranus sent them into space and watched their heads explode.

Just when the gods thought that the war was over and after fighting for 300 years they had to face their final opponent as Hades emerged from the soil he tried to negotiate with Zeus to let Hades take the throne as king of gods but Zeus declined his offer with force as he threw his lightning bolt at him as all the other gods attacked him at once and after all the smoke cleared Hades has turned to a pile of ash and smoke.

It was a victory for the gods until Hermes reminded them that Prometheus is still lurking and Zeus sent Hermes to find him and after a week Hermes found Prometheus and sent Zeus his coordinates and the gods showed up and ambushed him and he seemed unscaved and nothing happened to him but that’s when Zeus realized his prison is still available and he made the gods trap him and Zeus took him into his prison and now the lands are safe and Hades is dead it truly is a victory for the gods.

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