In the Woods | Teen Ink

In the Woods

April 12, 2019
By 3090516 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
3090516 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today was a terrible day, my teacher called me out for eating in class and then I lost my homework. It was like the whole world hated me, my friends were trying to comfort me as I started sobbing in science class but the encouragement did not help. I get made fun of a lot for living in a trailer park woht my single mother but today no one said anything,  I was walking to the trailer park when I decided to take a detour through the woods so I called my mom, I told her I was going into the woods for a walk and she seemed surprisingly chill about it. I had been walking for about 30 minutes when I spotted something in a nearby bush it was a bright gold that almost blinded me. There was a weird breeze that I had not felt before it almost felt like it was coming from the gold.

Under normal circumstances, I would run away from the glistening gold but I was feeling extra curious today, who knows it could be a way back to the trailer park because I don't really know where I am anymore.  As I walked closer the breeze got stronger and I was astonished when I saw a door covered in black soot with only a little gold on the top right corner. I was taken back by this find because I have never seen anything like it, I approached it very cautiously because I really was not sure what it would do.  As I studied it I saw a small crack that only a mouse could squeeze through, put my hand over it and felt the cool breeze embrace my hand I shot my hand back startled by the breeze and decided to open the door. As I attempted to open the door it looked as if there was something in the way, I look down to see a rock covered with white lettering I grab it and thrust open the door.  The wind enclosed me like a blanket but I was ready for it this time, I ran right through the cold wind and ended up in a similar forest to the one I just came from but something was off.

I remembered I was carrying the rock and when I looked down at it the white words were written in a different language, it looked almost alien like.  I was searching for what seemed like hours when I came across a body it looked as though it was in peace and so I really hoped that it was dead, I looked around and saw a huge patch of fog low to the ground.  Walking over too it, I stepped one foot in the pit of fog and heard a scream I yanked my foot out and the mushy thing I stepped on was a body. I looked closer to see my mother I was very confused as to why my mother was here in the forest and was laying in fog.  “Mom?” I exclaimed frightened by what I saw “Why are you here, I thought you were at the trailer with grandma” she was not talking so I shook her and she screamed and starting breathing really heavy. “Mom, hello are you there?” I was on the break of tears when she said: “Go, Charlie, go and find grandma tell her to get out of the house and stay away from me in the house go now.”

I was confused by what she said but raced out the gold door and to my trailer, it took me a long time to get back but I finally I made it yelling for my grandma I grabbed her arm and rushed back to the gold door and threw her in, I did not get a good glimpse of my “mother” but it seemed she was wearing a black mask.

My mom was waiting for me by the door as grandma and I arrived, she promised to explain everything once we were a safe distance away from the door.  We walked for miles without speaking out of fear and being confused about the whole situation. We found a small cabin and my mom explained that the mom I have been living with was not my actual mom she was a shapeshifter who has powers such as cold breath, laser eyes, and flight power the whole time I was thinking. It's a bit creepy knowing what sounds like fiction is really true.

The author's comments:

This piece is about a girl who realizes her life has been a lie, it is about family and friendship.

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