Self Destruct | Teen Ink

Self Destruct

May 1, 2019
By Kimaphra BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Kimaphra BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A boy breathed raggedly, eyes focusing on a button ahead of him. Buttons, all sat on pedestals, surrounded the abyssal dark one. Cyan, silver, gold, and reds decorated the area around one, small platform. Despite this, his focus only stayed on the lone black button. Everything was a mash of blue and haze. For him, all that mattered was that one button.

Gazing longingly at it, he slowly took a step forward, passed the warning signs. His breath hitched as the sound of warnings echoed faintly in the back of his mind. It screamed and begged him not to go any further, yet he did not heed the voice.

Just as he took another step, the lights flickered off. Kicking on the emergency lights with a flick of his wrist, the bot scoffed at their attempts. Like other times previous, they could not get him to stop. Murder was all he was ever purposed for. Nothing, not even his creators, could stop him now.

Oblivious to the flashing red around him, the boy kept advancing. Pushing aside the attempts to clog his vision and shut down his mind, he kept the button in focus. Quickly, he began to step past various traps that jumped from the ground. Razor sharp wire stretched before him. Spikes jutted out from the ground. Those wouldn't stop him, however, and he easily surpassed each obstacle.

Unsure of what this button would destroy, he kept moving. Vulchers that gathered after his massacres would surely show him his victim. Wrenching through the final obstacle, he reached his hand out and slammed it against the dark, ominous button.

Xavier was the boy's name.

Yelping out of agony, he fell back asleep his mind shut down. Zaps of Sparks flew around him before he landed on a spike, already dead before being impaled.

The author's comments:

This was kinda written spur of the moment in my creative writing class. We were given a prompt where we had to write a story where every sentence had to begin with a letter in the alphabet.

A robot boy was programmed with muderer intent, but it was too strong and became his own demise.

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