two headed snake | Teen Ink

two headed snake

May 8, 2019
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, there was 2 snakes that were in one body. There names were Jack & Jill. they were brother and sister. It was  tough for them growing up. Their mom was thrown around alot by her owner when she was pregnant with Jack and Jill . it was hard for them to eat, sleep, and make different decisions. Jack was the nice weird one. Jill was the sneaky evil one. Jill likes to do evil things and makes jack not say anything. Jack and Jill were magicians, Jill would make people and animals disappear and never be seen again. Jack finally manned up and told Jill to stop what she's doing because she was whipping out the whole population in the small village. Jill got upset and told him, what are you going to do jack? Tell on me? They will take both of us to jail ! We are stuck together ! what don't you understand. You are stuck with me forever ! Jack said, your right Jill, im sorry, i'm not evil like you. I'm just your assistant. I just don't want to get in trouble Jill. Jill said, we won't get in trouble as long as you just keep your mouth shut.

I'm going to end up being queen of the village. Said Jill. what about me? Jack asks. It's not about you jack, i might be my brother but i'm in charge and you listen to me! Jill yells. Jack questions Jill?  What about our Queen now? What are we going to do what her? Jill was thinking of an evil plan to get rid of her. I GOT IT! Says Jill, i will cast a smell on her. Jack asked? What kind of spell? I will make her into a frog and make everyone in the village wonder what happened to the queen. And then i can be in charge! And run this village. Jack said, when will we do it jill? We will go to the party tonight and then i could cast the spell on her.

The clock hits 10:30pm. The party is on and there's a lot of people and other animals. I want to put a spell in her drink, Jill says. Jack says, ooh that's a great idea. Then Jill tells jack, well you are going to trap her into a spell and then when shes a frog,then you are going to kill her. Jacks never killed anyone before. He's nervous and wants to tell jill no. but he doesn't want to disappoint jill. Jill and jack wait to sneak in the party and passed the guards. Jack  makes a sound in the bushes and makes the guards go check it out. Jack and Jill slither in the castle and find the queen, Jill is waiting for her to grab a drink, so she can cast a spell. The queen grabs a drink and Jill says a spell ‘kas - aca - boo - eeee - zaa - mu - you - aaa - zoooo.’ the queen takes a sip of the drink and BOOM! She turned into a frog. Jack and jill slither to her and cast a spell to make her paralyzed. Jill tells Jack to hurry up and eat her. Jack swallows the queen with a regret in his eyes. Weeks go by and the village is asking for a queen. Jack and Jill go up and Jill casts a spell on everyone is the village and makes their brain listen to whatever she says.Jill takes over the village and Jack is the assistant.      

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