The sighting | Teen Ink

The sighting

January 15, 2021
By Calebj14 BRONZE, Menifee, California
Calebj14 BRONZE, Menifee, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a night like this, the sky should be full of stars, but as he looked up, his legs almost gave out, not believing his eyes. 3 years ago he had seen something but he swore he'd never tell to anybody oh, you may want to ask what was it that he saw, I guess that's only something that he will tell to himself.  Most people would assume that he saw a UFO or an alien of some sort but that's not true either, he had sworn and everything he knew because  he knew if people found out about it you would be looked at as a crazy person.  as a matter of fact  he was blatantly with everything he loved against  telling people what he had seen that one night.

Tom has been taking a leisurely stroll through the park around 6 p.m.  when suddenly he stopped... It was almost a supernatural figure or Ghostly type aura, in this aura he saw his mother and bright yellow light sparkling from which looked like happiness, she started walking towards him asking ¨come on Tommy come on¨  ¨it's time to go¨  he was sitting there in awe as he knew  his mother had  passed away around 3 years ago,  what he saw made him faint he fell on the ground to wake up to someone finding him calling an ambulance.  when he got to the doctor's office they told him he had low blood sugar Which would explain why he saw what he saw but…  Later that nice when he was released from the hospital he went to his house right before bed saw that same yellow aura with a figure inside of it but this time the figure seem to be sad Saying ¨why dident you come with me tommy¨ in a saddening tone.  I replied with ¨I'm not ready I have plenty more to do here on Earth¨  and fell asleep like nothing had ever happened when I woke up I felt this excited and happy feeling as to where I had a bright future someone is watching over me like a hawk and helping me. as Tom looked back at that  he realized in a word it was kind of silly to be keeping this from other people he was just  frightened of knowing that people might call him crazy. He finally realize that it was time for him to open up so he went to his father And he said  ¨Dddd-dad  the other night I saw mom and she told me that she wanted me to come with her¨  he replied with¨ Mom  passed away over 3 years ago what do you mean!¨   Tom replied ¨ I mean I saw her like she was standing right there right in front of me as real as can be¨  the father in shock said ¨ I wasn't going to tell anybody but now that you came to me with this,  this happened to me the exact same time the other day and mom came to me and asked me to come with her and I told her I was good, And that I loved her and I never wanted her to leave and then she just vanished ¨

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