Zero Tonics | Teen Ink

Zero Tonics

October 6, 2021
By yaellara0304429 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
yaellara0304429 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     Electronics off three, two, one. How would you know if it only happened to you or it happened to everyone.” No service, “ says Devi, Tron's sister, who is 18 years old. I can't live without my phone. I need it back now. Don't worry you are not the only one that has no service. The whole world has no service. “How would you know?” says Devi. Well if you think about it this has never happened before. There's no reason for this to happen. Something is going on but I don't know what. I think I'm going out to see what's happening. 

Walking into his car Tron remembers he forgot his keys hw goes back inside and Devi isn't there anymore. He tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail. Of course there's no service. Tron getting frustrated doesn't know what to do but he won't give up yet. He gets his keys and leaves hoping to find Devi. Looking for help he remembers Lili his friend can help because she works at the police station. She can maybe collaborate and try to find her.Tron knocks on the door. “Come in Tron, long time no see.” What's going on, is everything ok? “NO” says Tron anxiously. My sister disappeared in a blink of an eye. I have no idea where she went. Well let's think, where would you go if you were in her shoes. I really don't know, the worst part is that there is no electronics and we have no form of communicating with her. Do you have any idea of what could be going on and why this occurred? I really don't know Tron if I knew I would be running like Usain Bolt in the Olympics to help them out. I understand you are worried.Trust me I will do my best and try to contact my boss to let him know what's going on. “One clue I have is that she can't be that far but I don't guarantee anything” Says tron. “Ok i will keep that in mind” says Lili.

 Later that day around noon Tron gets a card in the mail from an anonymous person. He reads the card and doesn't say anything.He reads it again and the letter says, we are contacting you from the TUP and we found out that you are missing your sister. We received a message that says you are willing to do anything to have your sister back with you.”That's right” responds Tron in his head. Well we have an offer that it depends on you if you do it or not. The following things you will have to do is fix the problem that made all electronics not work anymore in two days because it's an emergency. Wraps the letter and throws it to the floor. Letting a river of tears out of his eyes says “but umm, but umm”that's impossible. How can I do that in only 2 days? 

Five hours go by and the clock is ticking. He drives to Lili for some help but she's not there. Luckily the door was left open. He walked in her house and it was extremely cold like the North Pole. Something was going on in there, everything was mysterious, her room was locked and the window was broken. Tron tried opening the door with a knife.After 10 minutes of trying he finally opened the door. He couldn't believe what he was looking at graphs, pictures, plans, posters. All for what? Tron then opened a box where there was information about Lili and who she really is. There were Locations that were nowhere near where she lived. It looked like she traveled a lot. Bills she owed from years ago and the unbelievable part was that in her house she had service and you could use electronics. Which means she has something to do with all of this. Tron was one hundred percent sure that Lili had to be involved with her sister missing. Since he service he tracked her location and he followed her. 

She wasn't that far away so he still had a chance to catch up to her. He sees her car,but she  starts accelerating as soon as she notices him. She's driving out of control and the faster she gets the more chances of her crashing are higher. BOOM!!! She crashes into a red truck and the airbags went out, alarms start going off and everyone is watching. The ambulance got there faster than anyone else, Lili was still alive , but not in good condition. Tron follows her until they get to the hospital and he wants to know what happened to Devi. She cant speak, he has to wait and there was only a couple minutes left for the offer to end. Lili opens her eyes and sees Tron. “What happened?'' she said `''You crashed trying to run away from me” said Tron. Now what happened with my sister? Where is she? I dont know what you are talking about. Don't act like you don't know what's going on here!! I don't know what to say.” I'm sorry” It wasn't my intention but I had to, your sister was the only chance i had to go along with this project of mine.Lili heart starts racing the machine is beeping faster and faster every second. By the time the doctors walked in it was sadly too late for them to do anything. Tron sat down on the floor ,hand on his face with so many emotions going on at the same time. WHY, WHY did this happen to me!!! Now I will never ever find out about Devi ever again? All because every single electronic stopped working, and it had to be my best friend behind all of this nonsense.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this story? Nothing really did i just began to write and once i began writing this story i got into it more the more i wrote.

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