The Freeze | Teen Ink

The Freeze

October 7, 2021
By seabasss1021 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
seabasss1021 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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     The date was July 12, 2032, Jeff was asleep. He felt like he had been sleeping forever, but the truth was the sun never arose. He suddenly woke up from the endless slumber due to the loud bashing on his front door. Unlocking the door, Licht rushes in. He is panicked and starts mumbling words that Jeff couldn’t comprehend. Jeff starts to calm Licht down. Licht says “The sun has not risen today and it’s 12 o’clock” Jeff replies “okay so, it’s 12 am, is it not? Licht says “It’s the afternoon right now.” Jeff rethinks his whole existence then rushes to his clock and indeed it’s 12 pm. 

        Jeff puts on his coat and zooms for the city to see what is going on, but halfway there he realizes he has a job. He turns to head to work worried about the bills that he has to pay. He gets to his office and realizes the lot is empty even, the boss wasn’t there. Worried about what to do, he heads back to the city.

      He gets to the city, but it’s vacant like if there was a zombie apocalypse. He wonders to himself why everything is so dark. Then he suddenly gets cold. Jeff realizes that without sun there’s no heat therefore they will freeze over and the world will look like a frozen wasteland. His whole day consists of him driving around so he’s low on gas, he pulls into the nearest gas station. Yet again it’s deserted. Jeff violently bursts the glass door to get to the cashier and pump some gas. Once he’s done he rushes back to meet up with Licht and get an explanation of what is going on. 

     While at Licht’s house they come up with a plan to wake everybody up in the whole side of the world little by little as much as they can. They have not come to realize that the world is getting colder and colder each minute by 7 degrees. By the time they wanted to go on action, the weather was at 32 degrees. They went inside in a hurry to get some thicker clothing and better footwear.

       They tried to knock on doors one by one but it was a failure. Then no one would wake, they were already in the cold’s clutch. Everyone slept to their deaths. Jeff realized and wanted to get out but it was too late he froze where he stood and wondered why. There was no answer, only fright. 

      Although there was one survivor his name was Licht. But he is embedded in darkness.

The author's comments:

This is a very interesrting article/story.

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