Infinite Life | Teen Ink

Infinite Life

October 14, 2021
By tv0374704 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
tv0374704 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

         At that time, the Earth was going through a difficult time. Many people don’t have houses, food, jobs and money. Because people can’t die from a global virus. This virus helps increase human life that leads to overpopulation. Vivian is a poor girl living in a small western city. She lives in a family of three, Bill is Vivian’s father, he is now 115 years old, Vivian’s mother Jessie is 113 years old. And Vivian also has two close friends, Cindy and Henry. Both of them are the same age. Vivian’s parents are not healthy so they can’t work, and Vivian has to find a job. She does all the odd jobs and earns some money. One afternoon, when she was helping to deliver groceries to a neighbor, she happened to see two small brothers in an alley corner and hungry. She decided to finish her job and take some money to buy a small loaf of bread for the two brothers. They and the whole world it’s like a “problem” that we have to rescue.  And the bread probably thinks the same way she does. “I certainly have to break this problem” she thought. She rushed to the house of her two best friends and suggested going where the most information was. The three of them search for the books on strange diseases in this Henry finds and old ordinary books. Even though it was torn in half, what they were looking for was still there like a destiny. The book is about a scientist who wants to have eternal life, so he created a virus that increases longevity. Because of an unexpected incident, this virus failed and spread to the outside world.  The scientist was so scared and he got away, and the place where that virus is made is in an underground lab. The three of them go to that lab and they are surprised that it is actually an underground lab. They searched around for a while, when Vivian found a switch to turn it off. The hand wanted to take it but hesitated. When Vivian and friends thought for a long time, they decided to turn it off together. Vivian’s mind was a gray wall, the memory of the two poor brothers and her parents appeared, but it was not cold, it’s very warm. After they eliminated that virus the whole world lost a large population. However, many years laters, the world started to settle down again and it was no longer a “problem”.

The author's comments:

I love mystery stories that inspire me to write. And a story about a person who uses her eyes as "big binoculars" and observes the bad things in that society.

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