The Misfits Uprising | Teen Ink

The Misfits Uprising

October 14, 2021
By Anonymous

There were sirens.  
Why were there sirens? Why were there ambulances? Why were they outside Chae-Won's school? Why was a police officer approaching him? Where was Chae-Won? 
“Sir, this is a crime scene, I’m going to need to need you to leave” 
“No! I’m not leaving until I see my sister! She goes to school here and she was supposed to be home half an hour ago! Her name is Chae-Won!” 
“Sir, did you say your sister’s name was Chae-Won?” 
“Yes! Is she okay?” 
“I’m sorry to say this, but your sister was killed in a hate crime involving two other boys half an hour ago. Both boys are part of a hate group that targets people without power. They must have seen your sister wearing the black band that indicates powerless and targeted her.” 
Mephisto’s world stopped. 
It had to be a lie. His sister couldn’t be dead, not after all the trouble they went through to escape and survive. It had to be a mistake, it must have been someone else with the same name. 
“No! It has to be a mistake! My sister has never done anything to anyone, so why would she be targeted!” 
“I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but a lot of people hate the powerless. They consider them nuisances that shouldn’t exist, because of this there are countless hate crimes against them.” 
Mephisto’s blood boiled. Just because they didn’t have powers they were looked down upon. Just because his sister didn’t have powers she was murdered. Just because they didn’t have powers, others like him and his sister were being treated horribly.  He was going to change that. He was going to show them that he didn’t need powers to bring them down to their knees.  
Mephisto turned and ran towards the orphanage. He ran and ran until he couldn’t breathe. He got to the gates and yelled for Mortimer. 
“Mortimer! Mortimer! I need your help!”  
“Why are you screaming, Mephisto?” asked Mortimer as he rounded the corner or the orphanage. 
“I need your help avenging Chae-Won. I’m sick and tired of always getting the short end of the stick in life, and them taking Chae-Won away from me was the last straw " answered Mephisto as he clenched his fists. 
“What?” whispered Mortimer in shock.  
“They killed her, Mortimer. They killed her because she didn’t have powers. And I don’t plan to just sit still” said Mephisto. “So, are you going to help me or not?” 
“I'm in” nodded Mortimer. “And I know someone who can help us. Have you ever heard of the three sisters?” 
“The three sisters; Miriam, Mara, and Molly. They’re like us, powerless and with a hatred against society." said Mortimer. “They’re part of a group called the Misfits, and they are planning to revolt very soon. If we join them, we could get revenge for Chae-Won and everyone else that has had to suffer through the same thing.” 
“Let’s join them” said Mephisto.“Just let me grab some things before we leave.” He opened the door to the orphanage and hurried towards the back of the building towards his room. He quickly gathered some clothes and cash he had been saving up, stuffing them in a bag. He turned towards his sister’s side of the room and paused, he scanned her things and grabbed the pictures he had taken of her during her birthday. He walked out of the room to find Mortimer waiting for him. 
“Are you ready?” asked Mortimer as he gestured toward the exit. 
“Ready as I'll ever be.” 

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