Alien Universe | Teen Ink

Alien Universe

October 15, 2021
By Anonymous

What if aliens came to Earth and were trying to take control of the people. When the aliens came down to Earth they landed in America, and for the American people it had been a rough year. These aliens had a plan. They planned to make the world healthy again. The aliens had advanced technology and a special machine that was built to kill viruses. When the aliens found out that this was a problem in the world they knew they had a mission on hand. The lead of the alien group was Paul. Paul was in charge of managing the other aliens as they explored. His main goal was to build relationships with the American people and to make sure they weren't afraid. This was difficult because of the surprise and sudden arrival to Earth, so being a followed leader was not an easy task. Paul would face the adversity and build relationships quickly because he accomplished the objectives that they had set for him. The right hand man of Paul was Seth, Seth was a secondary leader in the Army moving up quickly. His main goal was to get rid of the sickness and get the people back to a regular society that they had known. Paul and Seth plus their army struggled for a little while since people were foriegn to the idea that the aliens were there to help. The army by 2023 they had overtaken the virus, but the people didn't want them to leave because they felt protected with them there. Paul's army still watches over America and the world in order to keep everyone safe.

The author's comments:

Im in my juinor year of highschool and I am playing football. 

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