Dinosaur Kingdom | Teen Ink

Dinosaur Kingdom

October 21, 2021
By joseg0294300 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
joseg0294300 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the day of the meteor strike, the dinosaurs were supposed to go extinct in a matter of time. Dinosaurs obviously didn't know this so they were living their normal life. Then, out of nowhere the sky turned all black and ugly. A meteor was headed towards earth but no one knew where it would land. In a blink of an eye a very big splash went all over the place, the meteor had landed inside the water and it made no impact on earth or towards the dinosaurs.

Thousands of years and years started going by and the dinosaurs were still alive. With the amount of time passed, mankind started nasicting . People started to fathom more about animals like birds,lions,sharks etc. One evening a scientist named Alvin started hearing really loud footsteps and he started following the noise. After a while he found the footsteps, the footsteps were bigger than his whole body. Enormous, heavy, strong, deadly, was how he imagined the creature. Instead of going after the creature he went to the lab to start doing some research. Because he didn't want a lot of people to know, he only called his best lab partner. They started investigating what could've been the creature that left that footprint. The footprint was like the size of a car. That only made them more interested in what it could possibly be. John, his lab partner, thought it was a dinosaur. His brain jumped over that thought and ignored it. Alvin went out himself and started to hear a lot of rumors of these creatures taking over. He went up to a guy and asked him, do you have any idea what these creatures are?'' The guy simply looked him up and down and walked away. Alvin decided to go find himself so he went to look around with his lab partner John. He eventually saw the creature that could have made the footstep the first time. To his surprise it was definitely a dinosaur but that wasn't his biggest problem now. The problem was how he could defeat them to save humanity.

He started investigating and managed to come up with a gas John talked about last time. The only problem with this gas is that it would take a while to develop. Although he was willing to wait,he didn’t have more time. So he decided to speed up the process by adding another chemical. It was dangerous but that's the only way everything would be fixed. It was the day Alvin and John were gonna release the perilous gas. While everyone was sleeping the gas was released by them. The gas was safe for humans but they still didn't want to risk nothing. Dinosaurs started collapsing left and right without any noises or painful deaths, it was like they had just gone to sleep forever.

Finally, that morning the scientist went out in public and announced what had happened. Everyone thanked the scientist for not only saving them but mankind itself.

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